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Aerial photos reveal an invisible bug in the Chinese city

Aerial photos reveal an invisible bug in the Chinese city


At the annual 2021 SSA conference, researchers said decades-old aerial photos of Yudong, Datong City in Shanxi Province, northern China, helped researchers search for a fault hidden under city buildings and cement roads. Interview.

Analysis of these images from the 1960s and 1970s allowed Junjie Ren and his colleagues to reconstruct a digital spike model along the Shuiyu fault, helping them determine the impact of the fault as it passed through the city of Datong.

Rin, a researcher at the National Institute of Natural Hazards with the Ministry of Emergency Management in China, said that digging trenches along the fault trail that was detected found evidence of five previously unknown earthquakes along the fault, ranging in age from 9,930 years ago to 23,550 years ago. .

“Our work is the first to determine the impact of the rift in the Medina area and to find evidence of the past five earthquakes that destroyed the surface in the last quadruple era,” he said.

“Given the elapsed time of about 10,000 years, the Shuyu Fault under the Yudong area will increase the risk of a major earthquake in the future,” Ren added.

Previous maps showed that the Shuiyu Fault crossed the city, which sits in the middle of a basin bounded by many normal faults dating back to the Holocene era. But studies indicated that the rift had not been active 20 thousand years ago, and terrestrial forms, such as the fissures that may have marked its extension, have disappeared under the rapid urbanization that began in the year 2000.

“In general, shallow seismic imaging and reflection are used to explore the location of a potential active fault under the city,” Raine said. “But these techniques are costly and time consuming.”

However, aerial photos of the city from the 1960s and 1970s revealed a less densely populated and built up area. Raine and colleagues applied a technique called holography to portraits, using measurements from images to calculate the 3D coordinates of features on landscapes.

In this way, scientists were able to recreate a digital elevation model of a part of Datong as it was before urbanization, making features such as faults faults visible again.

Ren recommends this technique to detect similar “invisible” faults that are potentially active in other densely populated and built-up urban areas. “A big earthquake under a big city will cause heavy losses to the economy and heavy losses,” he said.


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