Editorial TMID: Super League vs Champions League – Soccer Quake
The news that 12 European clubs wanted to move away from the well-established UEFA competitions and form their own league was a powerful earthquake in the world of football in the past few days.
The clubs in question, from England, Spain and Italy, are among the most successful, with Real Madrid – the main promoters of the idea – leading the group with 13 European crowns. Other clubs from Germany and France rejected the proposal.
The announcement was immediately met with scorn from all quarters, including FIFA and UEFA, but also from the relevant federations. There was also opposition from the governments. There have been threats of legal action and the dismissal from local competitions.
Mostly, it was the fans of the participating teams who appeared strongly against the proposal. Calling themselves “elite” clubs was a concept that even the most passionate fans would not accept.
Within 48 hours, the backlash led to the official withdrawal of ten of the twelve clubs, and the idea of starting a new Premier League in September was killed. It is now said that the Super League project has not been completely postponed, but has simply been suspended.
The clubs involved were seeking new income streams. Many, if not all, of them face severe financial difficulties, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has deprived them of money from attending stadiums. Nor were they happy with the UEFA Champions League reform promoted – and approved the day after the split idea was announced – which would go into effect in 2024.
But the Premier League formation was definitely not the way forward. Football is a competitive sport, and no club should believe it has a divine right over others. No wonder the other clubs, which may not have a football history with the 12 Rebels but have made huge progress in the past few years, have needed so much.
What happened in the last few days should lead to a much healthier debate about how to move forward in football. The way things have evolved – and with competitive football happening almost daily, at different hours to maximize TV rights income – you risk alienating people from the sport, rather than attracting new fans.
The twelve rebel clubs have taken a heavy blow to their reputation and now must seek, first and foremost, reconciliation with their fans. It should have been a lesson to them that the values of sport cannot be put aside.
It is a wake-up call for UEFA as well, as it must protect the clubs’ interests first and foremost. Clubs are the backbone of football, and they need to continue to be supported so they can survive. UEFA must also understand that the reform it introduced from 2024 is not enough to satisfy the top clubs, and it may be time to change course.
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