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Summary of the match: FC Dallas Falls 3-1 against San Jose Earthquakes


FC Dallas returned to his homeland to host Portland Timbers on May 1, while Houston Dynamo FC started on May 8 at Toyota Stadium, Eddie Mungoma made his Major League Soccer debut in the 74th minute. Ricardo Pepe scored the first goal of the season for FC FC. Dallas, in the 79th minute. FC Dallas host the Portland Timbers on May 1 at Toyota Stadium. The match will kick off at 7 PM Cairo time on TXA21, KMPX-29, and TUDN 1270 am (in Spanish)

San Jose, California (April 24, 2021) – FC Dallas (0-1-1, 1 point) fell 3-1 to San Jose Earthquakes on Saturday afternoon at PayPal Park.

Game summary

First half:

2 ‘- Bressan arrived from a corner kick from Freddy Vargas but I saw him bounce off the bar. 19 ‘- Jimmy Maurer denied the penalty kick by Christian Espinosa to keep the match clear of goals. 34 ‘- Oswaldo Alanis hit the penalty spot in the lower left corner to give Earthquakes a 1-0 lead. 37 ‘- Ryan Hollingshead managed to hit the goalkeeper but Carlos Fierro kept it wide.

the other half

49 ‘- Christian Espinosa went against Maurer and scored, giving Earthquakes a 2-0 lead. 59 ‘- Cady Cowell managed to pass his shot past Maurer to boost the earthquake lead 3-0. 79 ‘- Ricardo Pepe hit the net after Andres Recourt’s shot was blocked by Marcinkowski to make it 3-1. 90 ‘+ 6’ – Felipe Migiolaro saved Espinosa’s right shot inside the 6-yard zone.

Line up:

Dallas – Jimmy Maurer (Philip – 61 minutes); Bressan, Matt Hedges (Andres Recorte – 60 minutes), Jose Martinez, Ryan Hollingshead, Johnny Nelson (Eddie Mungoma – 74 minutes), Brian Acosta, Tanner Tesman (Paxton Bomical – 60 minutes), Jadeer O’Brien, Freddy Vargas, Franco Gaara ( Ricardo Pepe – 74 ‘).

The substitutes – Nkosi Tafari, Edwin Cerrillo, Kalil ElMedkhar, and Dante Sealy – were not used.

San Jose Earthquakes – JT Marcinkowski, Tommy Thompson (Chia Salinas – 72 minutes), Florian Gongworth, Oswaldo Alanis, Paul Marie (Judson Silva Tavares – 81 minutes), Eric Remedy, Jackson Yoel, Christian Espinosa, Javier Eduardo Lopez (Andres – 72 ‘), Carlos Fierro (Chris Wondolovsky – 72’), Cady Cowell (Siad Hajji – 84 ‘).

Unused alternatives – Mario Daniel Vega, Jack Scahan, Tanner Besson, Eric Calvillo.

Scoring Summary: SJ: Oswaldo Alanis – 34’SJ: Cristian Espinoza (Cade Cowell) – 49’SJ: Cade Cowell – 59’FCD: Ricardo Pepi – 79 ‘

Misconduct Summary: FCD: Jader Obrian (CAUTION) – 16’FCD: Bryan Acosta (Warning) – 25’FCD: Tanner Tessmann (Warning) – 33’SJ: Eduardo López (CAUTION) – 45’SJ: Carlos Fierro (CAUTION) ) – 53’SJ: Shea Salinas (Warning) – 75’SJ: Chris Wondolowski (Sent Off) – 87’SJ: Eric Remedi (Warning) – 90 ‘+ 4’

Weather: cloudy, 62

Referee: Tim Ford, Associate Referees: Jason White, Art Arosamian, Referee Four: Eligio Arrigoen, Referee IV: Kevin Terry Jr.

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