Macao Daily Times planning 每日 時報 »Urban planning is not suitable for moderate earthquakes
The researchers pointed out to the newspaper that Macao’s urban infrastructure cannot even cope with a moderate intensity earthquake, noting the apparent shortage of earthquake-resistant structures throughout the city, and the Gambling Center in Asia lacks earthquake relief in its urban planning as the city’s highest level. High buildings, complex infrastructure, and urban and tourist facilities may not be able to withstand earthquakes, and Earth sciences experts contacted by The Times warned that there is a need to raise awareness about the recent earthquakes in the city, adding that although they are only tremors, no The risks should be minimized. Recent low-volume earthquakes have been recorded in neighboring regions such as the Guangdong Province, barely in Macao, and last week, a 2.2-magnitude earthquake was detected at the epicenter of the earthquake, which is 21 km southwest of Macau. Some netizens said on social media that they felt the earthquake. In general, residents can only observe seismic activity when the magnitudes are higher than 2 to 3. اتا Gata Alfirinho Dias, associate professor of the Institute of Science and Environment at the University of St. Joseph, believed that while the region should expect low earthquake strength, there is an opportunity External to actually causing more catastrophic earthquakes, Dias, a geologist, said that despite moderate levels of seismic activity in the city, the population must be prepared for low to medium earthquakes with some frequency “Macao lies within an active seismic zone (Lianhuashan seismic zone” ) It is directly affected by Other areas. Dias said that the seismic activity inconsistent with what is believed to be frequent, but usually its size is low. “Even earthquakes that power up to 6 degrees is very rare for Macao, according to Dias. “If seismic activity from 2 to 3 degrees is almost undetectable to most people, and the damage is none or residual, then the same does not apply to earthquakes 4 to 6. Dias said, it can cause significant effects, especially if it is not done Preparing residents and structures like buildings and bridges There are some earthquake-resistant buildings in Macau. [such as] The Macau Tower and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, but it is likely that most buildings, especially those in old residential areas, are not suitable for moderate earthquakes, “since the city has changed dramatically in line with rapid economic growth and a high concentration of high-rise buildings , Complex infrastructure, urban and tourist facilities, and a large proportion of the reclaimed land face potential seismic hazards, and to respond to whether the city is prepared to face a moderate earthquake, Dias believes that the last small earthquake plays an important role in educating the population on how to behave during these one And to encourage the integration of mitigation of earthquakes in the urban planning of the city. “If these small tremors can work to enhance population awareness and rethink the strategies that can help the expert said Takashi Nakagawa to ease the strongest earthquake effect, then, these small earthquakes are welcome. An associate professor with the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Hong Kong said that the effects of earthquakes, even those that occur in neighboring areas, should not be underestimated, as Nakagawa said that although the probability of moderate seismic activity in Macao is low, the risk and extent of damage is relatively high. The academy told The Times: “Many people in Hong Kong and Macao believe that the risk of an earthquake is low, which is dangerous.” I recommend people who live here to learn about the earthquake’s mechanism and its risks as soon as possible. Then they can prepare for future impact such as These events, “for example, should merge the study of natural disaster J wrote students in two SAR. This will help students be better prepared to deal with earthquake hazards if they occur, said Nakagawa. Aside from floods and extreme weather, students should also be informed about seismic and volcanic activities and their risks. This is a good practice to prepare for them. “The 2.2 magnitude earthquake was the second minor earthquake to be felt in the city this year, and the first was on January 5 with a magnitude of 3.5, which occurred in seas under the administration of Xiangzhou District in Zhuhai. Quakes were recorded widely since several times. Contracts were felt in Macao, including a 7.3-magnitude earthquake that was recorded on February 13, 1918 in Nan’ao, Guangdong, and two recent earthquakes were caused by errors from the Lianhuashan earthquakes region, yet they were made in various errors. Nimenuan, while the epicenter of the previous earthquake was at its epicenter in the waters southeast of Macao, spatially related to the Qi’ao-Guishan error According to Nakagawa, the geological map of Hong Kong, Macao, Guangdong Province shows many errors but many of its activities are inactive, however, it can be reactivated if the geological setting changes due to the formation of the Earth’s dynamics. According to the current geological feature, Hong Kong and Macao appear to be located On a stable plate, on average, more than 10 earthquakes higher than 2 are recorded in Guangdong Province every month In just one year, dozens of tremors can be recorded in the estuary of the Pearl River alone, and Dias explained that plate tectonic theory indicates most Earthquakes, because they are caused by frequent accumulation and e Tension was fitting when the contact between the moving plates Differentials: The most damaging earthquakes along the plate boundaries occur, which explains why the strongest earthquakes Note usually in areas or near subduction zones such as Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan and the Philippines. Boundaries, although internal seismic events that occur far from the boundaries of the plates, also occur. Dias explained that “this matter is far from the direct influence of the border movement between these plates.” Dias added: “Explains why seismic activity is weaker and less frequent than, for example, in Taiwan or Japan.”
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