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The writer raises fans around that potential Easter egg at the end of the game


During his last Marvel Instagram watch party, author Christopher Markus mocks fans of the potential Namor Easter egg in Endgame. Are you going anywhere? Read on for more details.

There was a lot of sorting in Avengers: Endgame which took about a year and fans are still discussing little details. One of these details that fans noticed has never gotten any traction yet. Fans were addicted to a streak of Okoye in the first part of Endgame about undersea earthquakes. Octoy said that NAT was worried about what they should do, it was just an earthquake, so they shouldn’t do anything.

Frankly, I don’t see much in this exchange, other than showing how Nath was trying so hard. However, some fans were convinced that this was a hint in both Namur and the city of Atlantis. Namur is a character in a relatively strange position, similar to Halk. Disney can use Namor for the desires of their hearts in team movies, but Universal still reserves her rights in a solo film, also known as Hulk. Saying that, many fans predicted that Namur and Atlantis could initially become opponents in Black Panther 2. The idea is that T’Challa, and Namor, might settle their differences amicably, allowing Namor to take a heroic role going forward?

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Well, as I said above, to me, there was nothing to discuss apart from the good fan theory. It was until one of the Endgame writers stirred up the fans, and maybe it could turn into something more? Check out the tweet below from covering what Christopher Marcus said about a potential Easter egg.

Sometimes, the seeds are sown. Sometimes, it grows. -CM #AvengersAssemble #QuarantineWatchParty

– (ComicBook) April 28, 2020

I like Marcus’ reaction, but do I think this was a intended plant? No, I think it’s smart to understand that this might be a tiger’s plant. If Marvel decides to actually bring the Namur to the MCU, then it will be easy to link it to this earthquake line. This does not mean that he was intentional, but rather that you can sometimes be a little clever about these things. Marvel can make her appear to have planned for Namor until several years from now, just by referring to this earthquake now. I think Marcus’ response is quite vague enough, to think of it as a genius if it does happen, and dismiss it as nothing if Namur does not appear.

Frankly, I think we’ll see a tigers in the MCU sometime, I’m not sure where and when that will be? Could Namur appear in Black Panther 2? Why is Black Panther the perfect franchise for Namor to appear at first? All good questions, for another time. What do you think of a potential Easter egg Namur in the end game? Leave your thoughts below as always.

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