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San Jose Earthquakes and Portland Timbers match predictions, preview, team news and more


Portland Timbers will be looking to return to their wins as they travel to the San Jose Earthquakes Saturday night.

San Jose Earthquakes got off to a good start this season in Major League Soccer, but Seattle Sounders clinched their three-way streak of wins on Wednesday. Saunders won with one goal, a unique lightning bolt from Christian Roldan in the 18th minute of the match.

San Jose Earthquakes have been in good form so far this season, scoring 10 goals in five despite evading their last game against the Saunders. On Sunday, their rivals Portland Timbers also suffered a defeat in their last game at the hands of the Seattle Sounders.

Portland Timbers had a very disappointing start to the new season. Giovanni Savarese’s men achieved only one victory in four matches and that came against the Houston Dynamo. They lost to Vancouver Whitecaps, FC Dallas and Seattle Sounders and were also knocked out of the CONCACAF Champions League.

The Timbers have scored only four goals and charging eight, and that will be a huge cause of concern for Savarese. Facing the San Jose squad enjoying their best start to a season since 2012, the Portland Timbers will go out of business as they look to return to winning ways.

San Jose Earthquakes vs Portland Timbers

In the last ten clashes between the San Jose Earthquakes and Portland Timbers, the latter was the dominant one, winning six matches. San Jose Earthquakes won three times while one match ended in a draw. Portland Timbers are unbeaten in their last four matches against Earthquakes.

The last time the two teams met was in October of last year and Portland Timbers won the match 3-0.

San Jose Earthquakes Model Guide: LWWWL

Portland Timbers Model Handbook: World Digital Library

San Jose Earthquakes vs. Portland Timbers news

San Jose Earthquakes

19-year-old defender Jacob Akanerij will be out with a thigh injury, while Oswaldo Alanis, on loan from Liga MX, doubts Guadalajara, after suffering a knee problem in the match against Seattle Sounders.

Casualties: Yaakov Akanerij

Doubtful: Oswaldo Alanis

Comment: Nothing

Portland Timbers

Diego Chara and Larese Mabiala are the latest additions to the list of injuries and both are coming out due to a hamstring strain. Jazz Ivacic recently underwent hip surgery and was sidelined.

Portland Timbers is still saddled with quite a few injury concerns. Jaroslaw Nesjoda and Sebastian Blanco are still recovering from the ACL injuries they suffered from last year and are unavailable.

Ismail Joum goes out for the season after suffering a ruptured Achilles tendon in a training session two weeks ago. Steve Clark and Christian Paredes are both infected, too. Renzo Zambrano is suspicious after suffering a groin injury.

Injuries: Diego Chara, Yaroslav Nesgoda, Sebastian Blanco, Jazz Ivaci, Ismaila Jum, Krishian Paredes, Steve Clark, Lariz Mabiala

Doubtful: Renzo Zambrano

Comment: Nothing

Expected Lists San Jose Earthquakes vs Portland Timbers

Expected San Jose Earthquakes Lineup (4-2-3-1): James Marcinkowski Marcus Lopez, Tanner Besson, Florian Jongworth, Tommy Thompson; Jackson Yoel and Eric Remedy; Carlos Fierro, Javier Lopez, Christian Espinosa; Kid Coyle

Portland Timbers Expected 11 (4-2-3-1): Jeff Atenela. Claudio Bravo, Dario Zubaric, Bill Twiloma, Jose Van Rankin; Andy Polo and Eric Williamson; Diego Valerie, Deron Asprilla, Yemi Chara; Felipe Mora

San Jose Earthquakes vs. Portland Timbers forecast

Timbers have found a lot of joy in recent years. However, the San Jose Earthquakes are in very good condition. We expect this to be a difficult affair with its superiority over the Timbers as it is the most comfortable unit.

Prediction: San Jose Earthquakes 1-2 Portland Timbers

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