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A new study identifies Wasatch and Error regions


SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4 News) – It can’t stop earthquakes, but it can help show where the most damage can be. Using a high-tech tool called LIDAR, the Utah Geological Survey released a four-year study that first shows a detailed mapping of errors along the Wasatch interface that could cause surface rupture during an earthquake.

The building affected by the Magna earthquake.

LIDAR, which denotes light and range detection, uses laser pulses in conjunction with data from other components of an airborne system. In addition to creating a 3D presentation of the land part that was used to map it.

Related: aftershocks from the Magna earthquake

In the case of UGS, it is the Wasatch error zone, with the aim of showing where an earthquake occurred here that could cause the surface to rupture. Give state officials new information that can be used to make decisions such as where to build in valleys.

The surface rupture is scary. If this occurs when the earthquake strikes, the error can cause the ground to be broken, climbed or drowned. Either way, it can cause major damage to homes, schools, buildings, companies, and other infrastructure along the Wasatch Front.

Related: Society reacts to earthquake

To see the new crash line data along the Wasatch interface, look at the slide show below. What you’ll see is a representation of what happened 2,600,000 years ago as well as new information from the current survey.

The USGC press release says that researchers recently acquired high-resolution high-altitude (LIDAR) surveys drawn from aircraft-mounted laser sensors. These surveys were mapping errors and allowed a new demarcation of the surrounding special study areas. Now it has become a critical tool that allows us to know where the fault areas are and facilitate decision-making when it comes to earthquakes, safety and development.

Check out the interactive map of UGS

One of the benefits of the new survey is how to allow geologists to look at defects and scarves.

what is wrong? The rift forms the boundary between the Earth’s tectonic plates. In active errors like those we have here in Utah, parts of the Earth’s crust move over time. When it moves we call it an earthquake.

What is a scarf? Technically, this is an error, and when one side of the error moves in relation to the other side. It can be very dangerous for buildings when you realize it can move up to 20 feet and 40 miles long here at the Wasatch interface.

Construction workers look at rubble from a building after the Wednesday, March 18, 2020 earthquake in Salt Lake City. A 5.7 magnitude earthquake shook the city and many of its suburbs. The earthquake forced panicked residents to take to the streets, cut electricity to tens of thousands of homes and shut down the city’s airport and light rail system. (AP Photo / Rick Boomer)

Although this sounds terrifying, remember that earthquakes in our area are designed to not outperform around 7.6 and are 700 times stronger than the earthquake that just happened.

According to the UGS press release, while increased accuracy helps locate malfunctions, it is not accurate enough to safely locate specific buildings in individual batches. Moreover, ground crushing, tilt, and minor cracks usually accompany a shallow rupture of the surface, this deformation zone occurs adjacent to the major fault error and can extend hundreds of feet, most of which extend over the overthrow (valley side of the main mantle).

“While we recommend an additional site-specific investigation before construction, it is up to the local agencies to regulate development within the designated special study areas,” said Greg MacDonald, UGS’s hazardous geologist.

The study was a collaborative effort between UGS and the U.S. Geological Survey. Along with the new false images, mappers have used previous geological maps and ancient seismic studies. Historical aerial photography and field investigations. In addition to the increased detail, from previously identified defects, the study identified new implications for the error and what could be sites for future field investigations of Wasatch interface errors.


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