The role of groundwater in capital shocks? | Delhi News

New Delhi: Alarmingly frequent earthquakes in Delhi-NCR last year may be a result of rapid groundwater extraction in the region, according to a study. The research, conducted by researchers from the National Institute of Technology, Rorkela, simulated groundwater extraction data along with GPS-derived vertical displacement data, precipitation and earthquake frequency in the Aravali folding belt of Delhi, and observed a decrease in seismic activity after the rainfall. Monsoon rains. Bhaskar Kondo of NIT Rourkela, who led the study, told TOI that although groundwater extraction was not the only factor for earthquakes, it appears to be affecting seismic activity in the area. He explained, “It was discovered that earthquakes occur to a large extent in the top 25 kilometers from the surface, and a relationship was found between water withdrawals from aquifers and the subsequent destabilization of faults under the aquifers, as a result of pressure and expansion.” Kondo. In the academic term, the study places this as follows: “The low-magnitude but moderate earthquake rate of the Delhi region in the stable domains of the inner plate in India shows great variation, both in the short term at the annual seasonal level or in the long term in the nodal scale. Anthropogenic groundwater for intensive irrigation and urban activities and a seasonally controlled hydrological loading cycle of freshwater reservoirs hosted by the Ganges River Basin. ” VK Gahalaut of the National Institute for Geophysical Research, one of the researchers, explained, “We found that once the aquifers were recharged, they actually stabilized the plates underneath, but when the water was extracted, this caused the movement of the plates and created stress. This destabilizes the existing tectonic plates. Under it. ” There is a relationship between the monsoons that replenish aquifers and the decrease in the frequency of earthquakes, Gahalot added. To identify human-induced earthquakes, more than 700 cases have been documented in the past few decades in a database called “ HiQuake, ” which Kondo said was enhanced by the addition of the potential for earthquakes based on extracting groundwater around Delhi. “By exploiting the gravitational recovery and climate experiment (GRACE) data, surface subsidence rate, hydrological models, coupled hydraulic-mechanical simulations and mechanical analysis of the basement fault, we reported a large variation in earthquake modification in the Delhi area in both the short period,” Kondo said, adding that While fault movement is tectonically driven, human interventions can also cause slippage or seismic modification in the crust.According to Kondo, data showed a steady decline in the water table at 1.9 cm per year from 2002 to 2009, although That this settled down later. ”Study co-authored by Deepak K Tiwari, Brendra Jha, and Naresh K Vesa of NIT Rourkela and Gahalaut, who report that the study lasted nearly three years, with rainfall data for more than 20 years taken into account and earthquakes over 50 years old. We also looked at last year’s data when earthquakes started occurring frequently from April onwards. However, when the monsoons came, the earthquakes stopped. The data shows a 20-30% decrease in The seismic frequency of precipitation after the monsoons, “said Gahlot. The Bureau of Indian Standards classified India into four seismic groups: Zone II (low intensity) to Zone 5 (very severe). Large parts of NCR, including Delhi and Haryana, are in Zone IV (severe), making it particularly vulnerable to earthquakes. Delhi has recorded many strong historical earthquakes in the past, including in 1720, 1831, 1956 and 1960. “Interestingly, earthquakes in the Delhi region appear with strong semi-annual periodicity. Moreover, during the seasonal loading period (June – “(September, that is, during the monsoons), seismicity is at its lowest level, while it is relatively high during the discharge.”
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