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Fukushima Community Center helps earthquake-affected city


Fukushima Community Center revives an earthquake-ravaged city

Sokagawa City in Fukushima now has a brand new community center, courtesy of Japanese company Unemori Architects, which has been created in consultation with locals and the municipality.

The city of Sukagawa, Japan, in Fukushima, was severely damaged by an earthquake in the region in 2011, with some parts of it completely destroyed. Now, the local municipality is ramping up rebuilding and revitalization efforts with a new community center, opening to design by Unemori Architects in Tokyo this month. The carved welcoming building includes a library, museum, lecture hall, childcare support and café, and was established in consultation with the local community, enhancing functionality and sustainability.

The Sokagawa Community Center announces its arrival with a series of confident moves. Built in collaboration with Ishimoto Architectural & Engineering Firm, the structure is a bold combination of glass and metal, clean, perpendicular shapes, protrusions and setbacks, giving the overall volume a distinct geometric look. Inside, the spaces are mostly flowing and open, enhanced by double-height ceilings and large glazed spaces that make the interior airy and simple.

The glass and metal exterior contrast with the wood cladding inside. The total floor area of ​​13,698 sq.m. extends over five floors. A series of consultations with the local community and the General Architects Forum helped define the interiors and functions, to better serve its visitors. Outside, open terraces and sheltered spaces created by the cantilever shapes of the building provide additional entertainment and seating areas for the public.

The architects say, “The Sokagawa Community Center offers a wide range of cultural and recreational activities that are dedicated to various themes of activities, such as lifting, playing, creativity, learning and meeting.” Unemori Architects has divided the facility into different business areas, providing various opportunities for people to meet, participate in activities and interact with knowledge.

Creating strong links with the local community, responding to their needs and designing a building based on major and universal architectural qualities – such as light, space, and high-quality materials – the architects have delivered a building that will undoubtedly enrich and assist in the renovation of Sokagawa’s city center, both through its well-thought-out program and architecture. §


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