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Coronavirus cracks, but it cannot break the glass industry


Located at 123-year-old Goodson Studios, which are allegedly the oldest family-owned and family-run stained glass studio in America, they are housed in a two-story, stone and stone roaming building in Highland Park.

Godson’s craftsmen hail the historic homes of Frank Lloyd Wright Ennis and Hollyhock in Los Angeles, the magnificent first church in Los Angeles in 1932 and the Wiltshire Boulevard Octagonal Temple, not to mention hundreds of other places of worship across the country. Judson’s Window of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Leawood, Kansas, the nation’s largest united Methodist congregation, has enough stained glass to cover the basketball court.

Godson has suffered from two world wars, the Great Depression, 9/11 and the Great Recession of 2008. For David Godson, a member of the Fifth Family who runs the process, the survival of all these adversity in the past provides some encouragement to Godson’s studios’ present: for the first time in its history, it was Godson Studios must fire all employees – all designers, manufacturers, artists, and 23 painters – so that they can apply for unemployment after home-related HIV-related orders. .

Godson said he hoped to bring his people back to work as soon as it was safe to return to the studio and the projects could move forward again. The temporary closure came as the studio was about to celebrate a new book titled “Judson: Innovation in Stained Glass” by Judson and Steffie Nelson, which chronicles artists, architects, and craftsmen who have made a lot of artwork for over a century.

Workers reveal the size of the massive Godson Studios window in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Lywood, Kansas, and contained in the new book “Godson: Innovation in Stained Glass”.

(Godson Studios)

St. Matthew’s Church in Glendale.

(Godson Studios)

In 1897, William Les Godson, a Blaine painter in the air who moved from Manchester, England, to Los Angeles for health reasons, launched the Colonial Art Glass Company in downtown Los Angeles and founded the Los Angeles College of Fine Arts, an important player in the movement Arts and Crafts in California and part of the University of California. The school worked at the Highland Park building which was rebuilt in 1911 after a fire and is now on the National Register of Historic Places.

William Godson retired in 1920, the school moved to the main campus of the University of Southern California, and the glass company – renamed Judson Studios – took over the Highland Park Building. Most of the work that followed was ecclesiastical, and projects such as the Church of All Saints in Pasadena, where Godson’s glass was installed next to the windows of Tiffany in a century-old landmark, and the St. James Episcopal Church in Coretown, where the traditional stained glass from 1932 later joined the design Combines the image of Cesar Chavez.

When lead that was an integral part of studio work became unavailable during WWII, the work slowed down dramatically. But after 1945, the building of war memorials stimulated the demand for stained glass. So did the popularity of the new Gothic churches. Godson Studios flourished.

When troubled times came again in 1971 in the form of a 6.5-magnitude Selmar earthquake that destroyed Glendale Presbyterian, Godson Studios saved glass scenes so they could be reinstalled in a new church.

After the 1994 Northridge earthquake, Goodson Studios helped churches across the area capture pieces – sometimes rebuilding broken window designs using old photos or drawings.

Hector Vargas, a worker at Godson Studios, repairs a painting at the Museum of Natural History in Los Angeles County in 2008.

(Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)

Work is underway at Godson Studios, which was temporarily suspended during the Coronavirus crisis.

(Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

David Goodson in front of scenes of molten glass in his company’s studio.

(Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

David Godson said the company had largely used the same techniques for decades, working with external artists to simulate the style of the Munich School of the late nineteenth century and planning projects using hand-created full-size watercolors.

In the early 2000s, the company began hiring its own designers and artists in the studio and designing windows on computers. The molten glass began to expand, with multiple pieces being attached in a lead-free furnace, and into multi-faceted glass, where the pieces were fixed together by epoxy.

Goodson’s 2008 recession led to the diversification of the company and less dependence on churches. Judson resident Judge Sarah Caen recently revealed her first major public work: installing 150-foot stained glass at San Francisco International Airport. Street artist and designer David Flores also collaborated with the studio, merging molten and gray glass with a silk-screen enamel for a 7 x 3-foot photo, “The Muralist”.

Artist David Flores collaborated with Godson in “The Mural,” a portion of which appears here, on his way to becoming a 7-foot-tall piece.

(Godson Studios)

Judson Studios has expanded its manufacturing of stained glass beyond church projects. Pictured here: Details of agate slice plate for Beverly Hills residence of Christina Aguilera.

(Godson Studios)

Godson Studios collaborated with James Jean, filmed at the Takashi Murakami Gallery in Tokyo. A mixture of stained glass and included glass is included in the new book on Godson.

(Godson Studios)

But as the new book documents, Godson Studios has not abandoned her work in religious places. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher required 160 paintings that took three years to complete at a cost of $ 3.4 million – a project so huge that Godson built a second studio in southern Pasadena to finish the work.

Goodson’s massive projects include window restoration at the Air Force Academy chapel in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a decomposing gothic cathedral with towering towers that calls for a fleet of fighter planes preparing to take off.

The church is 120 feet long and has windows that extend all this height. It was completed in 1963 by Horace Goodson, David’s grandfather, the glass was pulled and the church was dismantled – a reconstruction project aimed at repairing water leaks.

Godson windows contain 24,384 pieces of faceted glass in a rainbow of colors. It will take three to four years to complete the $ 158 million project.

One of Godson Studios’ current projects is the Air Force Academy Academy Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where more than 24,000 pieces of glass form designs working as high as the 120-foot-tall structure.

(U.S. Air Force Academy)

Another view of the Cadet Air Force Academy.

(U.S. Air Force Academy)

Saul Shaw has been with Judson Studios for 10 years, first as a major boycott. He recorded the glass with a tungsten tool and then finished breaking the fragments with his hands. Now Chief Operating Officer, fully aware of all the people all over the world who are waiting for Godson to restart operations.

“The construction is categorized as necessary, but the making of windows is not,” said Shaw, who trained in Britain before moving to the United States. “In England, all churches are already built, so all the work is restoration. Here, every day is different. We are not cutting the cake at all.”

When Shaw was asked what he had missed most, he answered almost immediately.

He said, “I miss my preoccupation.” “I go to work and it ends today before you know it.” He and his colleagues are proud of their work. Now they’re just hanging around waiting to start again, though he’s quick to admit that at least they have clients ready to wait for them.

“We are one of the lucky deals,” he said. “In the long run we will be fine.”

David Goodson inside an empty studio in Highland Park.

(Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

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