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‘It was really scary’: Residents of the area were shaken as a slight earthquake struck Mount Morris | local news

‘It was really scary’: Residents of the area were shaken as a slight earthquake struck Mount Morris |  local news


Mount Morris – Down Speed ​​was sitting on the sofa when this happened.

“I heard a loud bang,” said Speed, who lives in western Sparta. “My husband was wearing headphones and in no way heard or felt them. It was so fast.”

At first, I thought the sound and vibration were caused by equipment on a nearby farm, traffic on Highway 390 or even a helicopter flying in the sky.

“Helicopters shake windows a lot of times when flying over them,” she said. Prosperity was new but I saw nothing. I already planned to check the news when I woke up (in) the morning to see what was going on. “

By the time Speed ​​woke up on Friday, the news had already spread: An earthquake struck the town of Mount Morris, about two miles northeast of the village of Toscarora.

Livingston County News readers reported that homes shook, dishes and large explosions were issued all over the area, such as the villages of Avon and Livonia, Silver Lake near Berry and the town of Canadis, Ontario.

The United States Geological Survey reported that the magnitude 2.4 earthquake occurred at about 8:40 p.m. 2 km, or 1.2 miles, northeast of the village of Toscarora on Mount Morris. The location is along Gulley Road east of Letchworth State Park.

The epicenter was 3.7 kilometers, or 2.3 miles, from the surface, according to the United States Geological Survey. As of Friday morning, 36 people had reported feeling the earthquake to the US Geological Survey. Witness reports posted on its site and other earthquake sites indicated that the shaking lasted for anywhere from 1-2 seconds to 15 seconds.

Catherine Cleveland was sitting in her living room with a friend when she heard and felt the earthquake.

“We heard a roar that sounded like a mixture of a tractor, a trailer and a low-flying jet plane passing through my house,” said Cleveland, who lives three miles east of Nonda. The house shook for a moment. My friend said, “What the hell is this?” I said I had no idea. We thought it was thunder, but there was nothing on the radar. “

Shelley Adamson was at her home in Sparta on Thursday night when her entire house began to vibrate and she heard the “Big Bang”.

“We went to investigate and found nothing, but it was really scary,” Adamson said. “No harm – just the house shook and loud bang. I wasn’t sure what it was to be honest.”

According to the United States Geological Survey, loud eruptions and crowded sounds many locals reported hearing around the time of the earthquake was probably due to it occurring at a relatively shallow depth of 2.3 miles.

While such sounds have not been directly studied or explained yet, the US Geological Survey said, “We can infer from observations and measurements at West Coast sites that at least some of the East Coast booms are associated with very small earthquakes.”

“Small shallow earthquakes sometimes produce roars or booms that can be heard by people very close to them,” USGS wrote on its website. “High-frequency vibrations from a shallow earthquake generate a creaking sound; when earthquakes are deeper, those vibrations never reach the surface. Earthquakes sometimes produce booming sounds even if the vibrations are not felt.”

Joe Pucci Jr., director of environment, health and safety at the American Rock Salt Mine in Mount Morris, said Friday that the earthquake “had no effect on the mine or our operations.”

Livingston County Sheriff Thomas J. Dougherty said in a tweet Thursday night that the sheriff’s office was “sending a lot of calls about loud noises and shook the ground.”

Some residents in the same areas reported that they felt the earthquake, while others said they did not feel anything at all.

A possible explanation for this can be found in a 2013 article in County News – residents shared their experiences in the aftermath of an earthquake with its epicenter near the Ontario-Quebec border that was felt 325 miles away in Livingston County.

In the story, Dr. Richard Young, Distinguished Professor of Geosciences at State University of New York Genesio, said that location is the primary factor that may experience earthquake tremors from hundreds of miles away. Those who live in the valleys of Livingston County – which contain more sediments than bedrock – are more likely than those in other areas to experience a jolt or rattle from an earthquake.

“So when the earth vibrates, it’s like a gel-or.” Young explained in the story, “Rocks are solid, sediments are not solid.”

Western New York is not immune to seismic activity, although the earthquakes felt in the area are mostly out of curiosity.

But for scientists, data from earthquakes – including those who haven’t felt them – can be used to improve seismic maps. Maps like these indicate that western New York is known to be an active area, but earthquakes are not a big problem.

Livingston County is located east of the Clarendon – Linden fault line, and in recent years an earthquake has been felt with the epicenter in Chauville, Quebec; Louisa, Virginia, and near Ottawa, Ontario.


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