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Strange electromagnetic explosions appear before earthquakes – and we may finally know why

Strange electromagnetic explosions appear before earthquakes – and we may finally know why


For some time, seismologists have been aware of subtle and brief anomalies in underground electric fields that trigger an earthquake, which sometimes occur as soon as a few weeks after the earthquake.

It is tempting to think that these electromagnetic explosions could be used to predict an earthquake. Until now, however, the cause of the strange eruptions was not immediately apparent.

New research suggests that the key lies in the gases that are trapped in what is known as a fault valve and can build up before an earthquake strikes. These impermeable layers of rock can slide through a crack, effectively creating a gate blocking the flow of groundwater.

When the valve malfunction cracks at the end and the pressure drops, carbon dioxide or methane dissolved into the trapped water is released, increasing the volume and pushing the cracks in the crack. When the gas is emitted, it also becomes electrified, as electrons are released from the fissured surfaces which attach themselves to the gas molecules and generate a current as they move upwards.

“The results supported the validity of the current working hypothesis, that the coupled interaction of fracturing of rocks with deep-earth gases during quasi-static rupture of rocks in the focal region of the rift may play an important role in generating pre-fracturing and collective. Electromagnetic seismic phenomena,” the researchers write in their published paper.

Using a dedicated lab setup, the team was able to test the reactions of quartz diorite, gabbro, basalt, and fine-grained granite in gradient earthquake-like simulations. They showed that electrified gas currents could actually be linked to fracturing rocks.

Scientists have found that the type of rock makes a difference. Rocks including granite have lattice defects that capture unpaired electrons over time through natural radiation rising from below the surface, and this leads to a larger current.

The type of error also appears to have an effect. The study supports previous research by the same scientists in electromagnetic seismology, which shows how carbon dioxide emitted from an earthquake fault can be electrified and produce magnetic fields.

Other hypotheses about electromagnetic explosions include the idea that rocks themselves can become semiconductors under sufficient pressure and with sufficient heat, while other experts do not believe these strange explosions are at all predictive.

Until an actual earthquake is predicted by unusual electromagnetic activity – activity that happens a lot on our planet anyway – the jury is still outside the judiciary. But if this idea is backed up by future research, it could give us a life-saving way to obtain information about future earthquakes.

The researchers concluded that “as a result of this laboratory experiment, it may be possible to detect the electrical signal associated with an earthquake by observing the voltage / current generated in the conductor, such as a steel water pipe buried underground.”

“Such an approach is now undergoing typical field tests.”

The research has been published in Earth, Planets and Space.


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