Why is Turkey prone to earthquakes?
In Turkey, earthquakes are nothing unusual with thousands of earthquakes occurring across the country.
The country’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) recorded more than 33,000 earthquakes in 2020 alone, including 322 of magnitude 4.0 and above.
In fact, the three deadliest earthquakes of the past year occurred in or near Turkey. 41 people were killed in eastern Elazig in January, and a month later 10 died in southeast Van. In October, a 6.6-magnitude earthquake struck west of Izmir, killing 117 people, while two people were killed on the Greek island of Samos.
But why is Turkey considered an earthquake hot spot?
There is a famous saying in Turkish – “coğrafya kaderdir” which means “geography is destiny”. It perfectly describes Turkey’s earthquake exposure.
Most of Turkey lies on the Anatolian tectonic plate, which lies between two major plates, the Eurasian and African, and the smaller, Arabian. As the larger African and Arab plates shift, Turkey is literally being compressed, while the Eurasian plate impedes any northward movement. Thus, Turkey stands on several fault lines.
A villager stands next to his collapsed house after an earthquake in Sevres near Elazig, Turkey, January 25, 2020 (Reuters Photo)
The country’s most destructive fault line is the North Anatolian Fault Line (NAF), where the Anatolian and Eurasian plates meet. It runs from just south of Istanbul all the way to northeastern Turkey.
The NAF has produced devastating earthquakes throughout history.
More than 17,000 people were killed and more than 43,000 injured when a 7.4-magnitude earthquake shook the Marmara region for 37 seconds in the early hours of August 17, 1999, with its epicenter located in Golcuk, about 75 kilometers (46.60 miles) southeast of the country. Bosphorus. Three months later, on November 12, 1999, 845 people were killed and nearly 5,000 injured when a 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck Duzce County, about 120 kilometers northeast of Golcuk.
A woman cries as rescue workers transfer the remains of her 16-year-old brother to an ambulance after being pulled out from under the rubble in Golcuk, Turkey, August 23, 1999 (AP Photo)
At the same time, the East Anatolian Fault Line extends about 650 km from the highlands of eastern Turkey to the Mediterranean, where it turns south and meets the northern end of the Great Fault System separating the African and Arabian plates. The slip fault formed millions of years ago when the Arabian plate was pushing the Anatolian plate northwest.
Meanwhile, western Turkey is also affected by another small tectonic plate, the Aegean plate.
The unfortunate tectonic location and painful history of deadly earthquakes have made fear of earthquakes evident in everyday life as Turks are taught how to act during earthquakes from a young age and many take certain precautions in case an earthquake suddenly strikes, such as preparing an emergency bag and creating safety zones at home or work.
Meanwhile, experts continue to issue warnings and forecasts that a potentially catastrophic earthquake may strike Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city, sometime in the near future.
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