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Why a doctor in the Chicago area feels invited to serve people in their most important moments


Dr. Kaleem Malik has been on the front lines throughout his career.

He has worked in emergency rooms throughout the Chicago area, to treat patients with severe trauma. He has traveled the world to provide relief in the aftermath of disasters. He completed his duties in poor countries, which provided access to health care for those in need.

He is now on the front lines again, this time from the Coronary Virus pandemic.

For 25 years, Burr Ridge’s man has built a career around serving people in their most important moments. He never imagined doing anything else. But his role as a specialist in emergency and trauma medicine goes beyond physical health.

He says it is about compassion and humanity, about caring for someone as you do with your family members. More importantly, it is about providing hope.

Malek said: “If you are in the emergency room with a member of your family, if you ever need someone, you know the value of hope.” “It is everything. It gives you a reason to live.”

Malik was in his second year of medical school when he realized his passion for emergency medicine. He went to training as a surgeon for life, where he managed critical care for patients in the “golden hour” immediately after the trauma.

Malik has since held various leadership positions in healthcare and is a practicing physician and former chief of emergency medicine with DuPage Medical Group.

Last week, he was named by the American Red Cross in Chicago and Northern Illinois as the Disaster Services Champion for 2020.

For the past 17 years, Malik has volunteered with Humanity First USA, a non-profit organization providing disaster relief and development assistance worldwide. It responded with various capabilities for disasters such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, tsunami, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and most recently Hurricane Dorian last year.

In his capacity as Group Director for Medical Disaster Response, Malik and his 10-person team were among the first to arrive in Greater Abaco island after a Category 5 storm struck the Bahamas. At the request of the Government of the Bahamas, the United Nations Health Organization summoned them, packed four tons of medical equipment, food, generators and other tools, and embarked on their mission to restore a damaged clinic in Abaco.

Malik said that when they arrived after a 13-hour boat trip, all they could see was “total destruction”.

“I stand in the middle of the rubble, believing that a bomb has exploded here, but these were winds of 180 miles per hour, causing everything to break down,” he said. “It happened in the blink of an eye.”

While treating patients and helping them start rebuilding their lives, Malik noticed that many were overwhelmed and shocked. He said that based on his observations, the WHO has since developed a proposal to add mental health professionals to disaster response teams.

Malik also works as a disaster training course manager, but his relief efforts are not limited to a disaster. He regularly goes on medical missions to provide health care and other basic needs for people who live in Guatemala and elsewhere.

It is surprising how many patients with chronic diseases can be treated with medication, he says, but they have never seen a doctor before.

“You are learning about human nature and the resilience of the human spirit that they can continue through their pain,” he said. “For me, this is a true test of knowing the little things we take for granted.”

Such mercy nurtures him. That is why he does not allow himself to become numb in the raw feelings he experiences every time a mother carries her injured child to hospital, society is torn apart by a natural disaster, or a new virus threatens anyone’s life on its way.

Malik said he was initially involved in developing coronary sorting protocols. Humanity First is now leading the research on a helmet ventilation experiment, a non-surgical tactic that has shown early success in preventing some COVID-19 patients from ordering intubation.

Malik says health care workers are used to seeing people suffering from stress, but the epidemic is unique in that those in the trenches put themselves in harm’s way. He thinks everyone should do their part to help.

“Empathy is sympathy in motion,” Malik said. “Empathy is the feeling as if it belongs to you.” “This (issue) has brought advantages that enable us to get to know each other and help each other. It is indeed a time when we should think about our humanity.”


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