On top of a Ukrainian adventure – The New Indian Express
Express News Service
Vertigo literally makes you swallow. Perched at 130 feet on the edge of the Aurora cliff in the small spa town of Gaspra, Ukraine, Swallow’s Nest Castle is a historical marvel and the pride of the Crimean Sea. Part of its facade appears to jump into the water, with balconies and patios hanging from the edge. Unstable as it seems, its structure is massive.
The castle survived the devastating 1927 earthquake that devastated the surrounding area. Cracks appeared in the cliff, which closed the castle to visitors, although it received only minor damage. Modeled on the Soviet bureaucracy and the xenophobia of the Iron Curtain, it took 40 years to renovate the castle. In 1968, a large concrete plate was introduced into the cliff. An Italian restaurant has opened its doors inside the castle.
The first structure on the cliff was a hut called the Castle of Love, built by a Russian general in 1895; His name is now lost in history. At that time, it was the summer home of the Russian aristocracy. Ownership of the hut passed to AK Tobin, a court physician to the Russian Tsar.
The neo-Gothic structure you see today was built in 1911 at the direction of the castle’s new owner, Baron von Stengel, who gave the task to the famous Russian architect Leonid Sherwood. Sherwood taught sculpture at the Petrograd Academy of Arts. Stalin awarded him the Order of the Red Banner for work and he became an outstanding artist of the RSFSR. The castle has remained the same ever since. A few years later, Steingel left Russia and The Swallow’s Nest got a new owner, a businesswoman from Moscow.
Today, it is an incubator space for the creative arts and a popular site for exhibitions. The castle’s stunning architecture and location made it the culmination of several Soviet films, including Mister Blot Academy, Mio in the Land of Faraway, and Desyat Negrityat. One swallow does not make summer, but if the coronavirus allows, tourists will arrive in Ukraine next summer.
Unstable as it may sound, the structure is massive. It survived the 1927 earthquake that devastated the area.
Nearby: ALUPKA
Vorontsov Palace This architectural hybrid is located in the small town of Alupka and is the oldest and largest palace in Crimea. It was built for the Russian Prince Mikhail S. Iminovich Vorontsov as a luxurious summer house between 1828 and 1848, and nine million silver rubles were spent on its construction.
Twice Hero Museum of the Soviet Union Amit Khan Sultan is an ode to the test pilot and home of the Alupka, Amit Khan Sultan. Inside you’ll find a treasure trove of archival documents, photos, and his personal belongings.
Roomi Athno Café You can easily miss this little café but you will also miss out on one of the best rye and barley bread in town. So stay tuned for Rumi Athno Cafe.
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