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More than a pretty face, the Big Pied Trout: The Bay View Compass


Rocket Hero, also known as R. Hero, is a six-foot-tall, solid red Dalmatian standing in front of Fire Station 11, 2526 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. Pictures of Katherine Keeler

The rocket character was created by members of the Hero In You Foundation. Benaron teamed up with California-based artists Karen and Tony Barron to design the first Rocket Sculpt.

Penaron donated Rocket Hero sculptures to cities that have relatives and to cities that have suffered tragedies, such as Newton, CT, where the mass shooting occurred at Sandy Hook School in 2012. She hoped that the Dalmatian would inspire the great irresistible happiness.

Today, 26 Rocket Hero sculptures can be found in cities throughout the United States, including one in Bay View.

“I have a dear friend of Milwaukee, and we are also friendly with the Marcus family,” Penaron said. “I decided to go to Milwaukee and asked if they were interested in getting a sculptural donation.”

John Litchford, deputy head of the MFD’s Firefighting Support division, is tasked with selecting a Rocket site. After knowing how Rocket promoted the hero’s traits – courage, respect, honor, and sympathy for others – he recommended Bay View as he felt the community embodied these traits. Since the statue is very large, the sites that could be placed by Litchford were limited. There was space in front of the Kinnickinnic Fire Station, the main bayview tow.

“I thought that the Bayview neighborhood and that this street would be an ideal location for it,” said Litchford. “It fits perfectly into our free small library (in front of the fireplace). It’s a community driven fireplace, and some members live in Bay View. They have a connection to the city, and we knew they would take this and do a great job of preserving it.”

He also indicated that he believed Rocket would be good for every two years Bay View event in Bay View.

The Hero In You Foundation paid for the construction of the rolled metal sculpture and shipped it to Milwaukee. Litchford said that the Milwaukee Fire Department was responsible for installing a concrete sculptural plank and a bronze plaque explaining who the rocket was.

“There has been a lot of positive feedback,” said Litchford. Bunni also launched an educational book and started working with the Survive Alive program. Survive Alive House, 2059 S. 20th St. , To teach fire safety and prevention techniques to second and fifth graders at Milwaukee Public Schools, Litchford said that two years ago, Benaron also participated in a fundraising event to build the Survival Home.

She went out and contributed a long time and efforts to raise funds for the program. We ended up buying a bus to turn it into the Survive Alive House mobile home. It is now a piece of equipment that we drive to schools and public events to show people fire safety. R. said. Hiro is on the bus as well.

Expand the mission

He was enthusiastic about rocket sculptures, and he knew more could be done. “As a former school teacher in the Los Angeles School District, I knew that we really didn’t teach people about our sculptures,” she said. “We loved the statues and loved that the fire stations have statues, but we didn’t help the way I wanted to help the children. So we started developing children’s books and videos about preparing for emergencies.”

Being a California-based, Hero In You Foundation first handled earthquake preparations. Its members became involved in the epicenter of the Southern California earthquake. An earthquake education expert helped the foundation write and examine the book.

The organization then took up fire safety with a series of books and educational videos featuring Rocket Hero. The foundation also teaches children about safety measures that they can use in natural disasters such as hurricanes, and is also working on a video book for hurricane preparedness and video.

“The materials address natural disasters and emergency preparedness to help children between the ages of 3 and 8,” Penaron said. They are the most vulnerable population. We found that when working with fire departments and police, schools don’t really deal with teaching children about these materials until they reach grade three. Children under the third grade should know some of these tools even when they enter into these situations, they have their own knowledge, rather than having to rely on a teacher or an adult.

Penaron said the skills taught in Rocket Hero videos apply to natural disasters, shutdown exercises, and avoiding dangerous situations. “Our institution has changed dramatically. We have already started with sculptures, but we now have a complete educational program for children.”

“We teach children to search for exits, whether in a fire, an earthquake, or a dangerous situation at school,” Pinaron said. “They know how to get out of the room. We teach them how to search for landmarks in their city, so if they are fleeing something and need to go home, they will know by looking at certain buildings how to go from point A to B.”

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