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Is coronavirus and earthquakes destroyed your sleep? Easily relax. you are not alone. Here’s what can help you with nodding.


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Adam Sherman sleeps eight or nine hours at night, then takes a nap in the morning and evening.

It adds up to 14 hours of sleep per day.

Sherman said: “I am tired all day and feel tired.”

A 47-year-old Salt Lake City resident was not used to sleeping much, but the coronavirus pandemic shook his routines.

These intermittent patterns cause the opposite problem for many people. They suffer from insomnia, said Kelly Barron, associate professor in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine and director of behavioral sleep medicine at the University of Utah.

Starting a sleep study The University of Utah study enrolls men and women in a study to help understand the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on sleep. There are no personal visits and the participants are compensated for their time. If you are an adult living in Utah and want to participate, go to to complete the online scan. For more information, call 801-585-1123 or email [email protected].

“From an anecdotal point of view, I have seen many of my patients now sleep in a variety of problems,” Barron said.

Dr. Kevin Walker, medical director of the Intermountain Sleep Disorder Center, said he has spoken to a small number of patients who have recently had increased anxiety.

Concerns about their health, their family, and their money can keep them up late at night. They are worried about their illness or loved ones. Perhaps they have lost their jobs or worried that they will lose this salary.

Walker said, “I just think you’re at home all the time, even with your beloved ones, you’re kinda helpful together.” “It can get stressful.”

(Photo courtesy) Kelly Barron, associate professor in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine and director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the University of Utah.

Experts recommend that adults sleep seven to nine hours every night. Barron said that increased anxiety can make this difficult.

She said, “You feel angry, depressed, when you don’t sleep enough.”

Walker noted that stress can disrupt patterns, but dysfunctional patterns can cause stress.

Adults and children who are more at home due to the epidemic may not have to wake up when they are used to moving to work or going to school. This could mean staying up later and waking later and stopping sleep rhythms.

In addition, parents may spend more time trying to educate their children. Some people may also eat more food or drink more alcohol while at home.

These changes can cause a person to get tired during the day and try to compensate for naps or caffeine.

“Our bodies are like routine,” said Walker. “I think we typically do a better job when we maintain some consistency.”

He once said, sleep specialists have focused on treating the underlying problems that cause insomnia. Then it was discovered that once insomnia begins, it can become a permanent problem.

He said, “He could take a kind of his private life, even if it was caused by other things to start.”

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Banner in a house window in Millcreek, Friday 17 April 2020

So, what should people who are tired of epidemic and earthquake anxiety do?

Barron Walker recommends sticking to the routine. Wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day. Turn off or store electronic and digital devices an hour before bed. Try spending that time doing something comfortable.

Walker also emphasizes training yourself to look at the bed as a sleeping or sex site. He said don’t work in bed. Even reading in bed may reinforce that bedding is something other than comfort.

Walker said that exercising and eating meals at the same time every day is important to sleep as well.

Barron said that there is one thing people may have noticed recently and it is not necessarily a problem, but it might cause them to wonder what is happening. I heard that patients say they have more vivid dreams.

Even Baron falls into this category. I remembered the last dream in which a man was riding enormously. Bear knocked on her children. The children were unconscious and feared the bear would eat them. But she woke up first.

“It was clearly a dream about control and protection,” she said.

Baron is among the crowds who worked from home during the epidemic. People who no longer have to move around may sleep more. Since REM sleep often occurs in the early morning hours, some people may have such dreams because they are starting to sleep.

She said this is a good thing.

“It is clear that the epidemic has a major impact on people’s behavior, and there may be some positive and negative aspects,” Barron said.

As for Sherman, he works full time as a safety officer in the Utah National Guard and does his work from home, where he lives alone. He said he tried to improve his sleeping habits by drinking less alcohol and moving his desk from the bedroom to the kitchen.

Now he finds himself eating more snacks during the day, and he still sleeps a lot.

“I am flat, making remote work difficult and stressful because I’m alone all day long,” Sherman said. “So it was difficult for me to make big or meaningful changes in my work routine. So I find myself accepting what is happening, and I am waiting for life to return to normal.”

Walker tries to treat patients with chronic sleep problems with cognitive and behavioral treatments. If this does not work, then medication may be an option.

For people whose sleep may be interrupted due to anxiety, Walker suggests they limit the time they consume news about COVID-19.

He said: “It’s good for me to be told, but it’s good for my patients to set a time limit.”

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