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The Alaska earthquake excites many, but the rhythm continues

The Alaska earthquake excites many, but the rhythm continues


The state’s proximity to the plates makes it a target for thousands of earthquakes

It happened to lie on Good Mother Earth last night when an earthquake occurred.

On Memorial Day on an overnight canoe trip, my friend and I dragged our boats to the pebbles of a small island on the China River.

After we chased away mosquitoes in our tents and we were all sleeping, my dog ​​and I woke up to the sound of splashes. Deer walking by the river, right behind the tent. After a few moments, the ground shook as if we were suspended in a hammock.

During that dusty wave, I looked out through the screen and saw a little willow, as thin as a whip and a high girdle. Trembling, the local expression of an underground launch 400 miles from our island and 25 miles underground.

That spot, east of Talkeetna, was the epicenter of a 6.1-magnitude earthquake that was felt across much of Alaska.

On the Alaska Earthquake Center website, someone reported feeling shaking in the circuit on the Yukon River, 270 miles from Talkeetna. People also mentioned feeling the earthquake at Kotzebue, 530 miles away, as well as Unalaska Island, 900 miles away.

Although they were the highlight of the weekend, earthquakes happen all the time in Alaska. Technicians at the earthquake center, using devices buried across the state, recorded an earthquake about every 15 minutes. In one recent year, they detected 54,000 earthquakes. That’s about 150 per day.

Why so many?

Many of the Alaskan earthquakes are the result of massive plates of our planet traversing each other, in fits and starts.

The Pacific Plate is the underwater landmass that includes the sea floor of the entire Pacific Ocean. Due to molten rock oozing within the center of the planet, this giant is crawling rapidly growing its nails toward mainland Alaska, which lies on what seismologists call the North American Plate.

Beneath the southern coast of Alaska, the dense oceanic rocks of the Pacific Plate sink beneath the lighter rocks of the North American Plate.

Giant earthquakes can occur at this plate boundary if the masses release their faltering fists somewhat close to the Earth’s surface. An example is the 9.2 magnitude earthquake with an epicenter in Prince William Sound in 1964. The rupture occurred just 15 miles below the ocean floor.

The movement of the Pacific plate shaped the face of Alaska, causing mountains to rise as well as tearing up river valleys. As plate motion kneads the landmass of this giant peninsula, occasionally stitching through the skin of Alaska helps relieve stress.

One such slide in the state is the Denali Fault, the trail of which can be seen from satellite within a frown of the Alaskan Range in the middle of the state.

Within this arc is a trench, often filled with glacial ice, in which many earthquakes occur. Part of the Denali Fault slipped in 2002, causing a 7.9 earthquake.

Of the 6.1 earthquake felt by many Alaskans last night, state seismologist Mike West said it “wasn’t a surprise in the least.” But it was so interesting to him that he wrote a detailed account of it, concluding that “like most earthquakes, there is something to learn here if we are willing to pay attention.

Ned Rosell is a science writer at the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.


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