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The most destructive earthquake in Britain that destroyed buildings all over Essex


When a minor earthquake hits the UK, it’s treated as something intriguing new.

The slight tremors we sometimes get in this county are so small that the small damage they cause pales in comparison to the catastrophic events that occur around the world.

But sometimes, earthquakes in Essex can be very dangerous.

The most powerful earthquake to hit the UK was the Dogger Bank earthquake in 1931, which measured 6.1 on the Richter scale.

However, in the 19th century, Essex was the scene of the largest Palmyra earthquake in the United Kingdom, in recorded history.

On April 22, 1884, residents in and around Colchester, Essex, began feeling the movement under their feet.

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An earthquake measuring 4.6 on the Richter scale struck north of Essex, and the residents of villages around Colchester were badly affected.

Almost every building in the villages of Wivenhoe and Upperton has been badly damaged, with some houses completely collapsing.

The currently listed Layer Marney Tower was damaged, Grade I.

The damage was so severe that The Builder magazine said at the time: “The expenditures needed to return the towers to anything like intact and habitable condition would be so great that the chance of getting the work done already seems remote.”

However, a brother and sister did extensive restoration and rebuilding work to return the Tudor Gate to its historic glory.

Elsewhere, the church in the small village of Fairley, which had been operating on its site for about 800 years, has collapsed, leaving ruins that still stand today.

At the time, the Guardian reported that Colchester residents were “received in horror” by the quake, and The Times said the damage extended all the way to the coast.

The Layer Marney tower was badly damaged in the earthquake (Photo: Derek Voller)

While some deaths were reported at the time, none were truly confirmed.

However, one woman – Mary Saunders of Manningtree, Essex – was reported to have been so distraught by the earthquake and the damage caused by it that she drowned herself in the Stour River the next day.

It wasn’t just the buildings on the ground that were destroyed by the earthquake.

The earthquakes caused huge waves on the coast of Essex and on its rivers, completely destroying many boats and small crafts.

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While the life-shattering damage was concentrated in northern Essex, the earthquakes were felt in other regions of England and even parts of France.

It is estimated that in today’s money, the earthquake caused more than £1.27 million in damage.

To this day, the 1884 Colchester earthquake is considered the most severe earthquake ever to hit the United Kingdom.

Fortunately, earthquakes of this scale are so rare in Britain that we are unlikely to see earthquakes in Essex of the same magnitude in our lifetime.

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