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Golf courses are considered not important

Golfs that are insignificant must be closed News, Sports, Work | Instant news



Pictured is the eighteenth green color at Chautauqua Golf Club, and is one of many local golf courses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The photos have been sent.

Over the past two weeks, the local golf course enjoyed promising days in April that didn’t come much.

Local golfers will no longer be able to enjoy it in the near future.

Governor Andrew Como, New York, announced on Thursday that golf courses have been added to the list of unnecessary companies in New York State that were immediately effective due to a coronavirus.

“We have been open for about a month,” said Nolan Swanson, owner of the Pinehurst Golf Club, on Thursday afternoon. “Unfortunately for Pennsylvania, they closed in front of us. We got many people from there to come and use our place. We have people until Wednesday night before sunset.”

At present, the New York state on the PAUSE governor’s campaign continues until April 29, and has so far been extended in a two-week increase.

Shorewood Country Club is one of the many local golf courses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. OBSERVER Photo by Anthony Dolce.

Said Swanson said: “I don’t know where the evidence came from that this is dangerous for anyone.” “I think people who don’t play golf complain and (the governor’s office) just gives up.”

“Many of my members enjoy having a kind of natural life and something to do,” said Chautauqua pro Troy Moss golf club. “It was a good rest for them.”

Previous requests did not differentiate whether the golf course mattered or not, so the club took advantage of the warmth of the season that did not match the season while still adhering to the Social Distance Protocol.

Moss said: “We clean the carts when they come and clean them before they leave.” “We play without touching, one driver for each train and it stays 6 feet from each other. We don’t have rake or tee settings that you can touch or use.”

Just last Friday, Pinehurst posted to Facebook in anticipation of a busy weekend. Published social distance guidelines include:

Vineyards Golf Course is one of the many local golf courses affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. OBSERVER Photo by Anthony Dolce.

Only two trains every quarter or three.

Only one driver at a time, so be prepared to walk a little.

You cannot enter the store, read the sign on the door, prepare to use Venmo, get the correct change (cash or check) or we will collect your credit card information over the phone or intercom system.

Keep at least 6 feet from anyone.

Do not touch the flag shaft.

No more before, gimmes in style!

“I think we’re fine. You can still go to the park for a walk, but many of our members have retired and that’s how they enter,” Saeed Swanson. “I think we’re doing well while keeping people at a recommended social distance. Our sanitation rose 10 times more than usual and everything was cleaner than before.”

Pinehurst also cut its usual cost of $ 13 to walk nine holes to $ 10 to encourage walking compared to a train ride.

“If it lasts longer, we must do something for these people. Swanson said about the club members: We will not take their money and say“ Good luck. ”At least we will give a big discount next season. This is something we will cover together and find some similarities. “

Thursday morning, Pinehurst posted again on her Facebook page.

“From today, we will be closed until further notice. We will continue to follow orders issued by the state. We will communicate with our tournaments and hope this will pass on May 1. Keep everything safe.”

The league at Pinehurst usually starts in the last week of April.

Said Swanson said: “If they keep the garden open, this is how we see it.” “Just because you carry a bag on your back, I don’t know why it is handled differently.”

Chautauqua Golf Club also posted to its Facebook page Thursday afternoon “Chautauqua Golf Club has been closed until further notice in accordance with the updated NYS Executive Order on April 9, 2020 at 8 am.”

A user commented on the post and said “Seriously !!!! Happy. I just paid for the membership.”

“We tried to think of a budget that could happen in a thousand scenarios. Moss said:“ We didn’t play a lot of golf in April so this did not become a panic point. ”The longer it takes, people will ask to restore or replace membership, prorated fees, something. It may be inevitable. … I hope on May 1 we get back to playing golf. … I am still trying to be optimistic. “

Leagues in Chautauqua GC generally begin in the first week of May.

“I encouraged my team to start after a week or two to give us the best opportunity to do that.” Moose said. “The league is more than a group meeting, so I don’t know how it will be seen.”

The Chotokawa Summer Institute is scheduled to run from June 27 to August 30 and is still the same.

Moss said of the golf course: “The institutions are a big part of it, but a lot of people live in shacks around the lake, and they play my place more. I’m worried about it all. The establishment, the people who spend their vacation here this summer … I’m on the same boat.” Like places at Bemus Point like the casino and hunters in Italy, all of them. Will people come this summer? ”

Pictured is the eighteenth green color at Chautauqua Golf Club, and is one of many local golf courses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The photos have been sent.

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