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Legal battle escalates in Texas over abortion ban in the middle of Corona virusExBulletin | Instant news
Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed an executive order prohibiting all elective medical procedures, including abortion, during the outbreak of the Coronavirus. The ban extends to medical abortion.
Eric Gay / AP
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Eric Gay / AP
Eric Gay / AP
Governors across the country have banned electoral operations as a way to stop the spread of the corona virus. In some states, however, the ban has been extended to include a ban on all abortions.
The court has intervened so far to keep most clinics open. The complainant is Texas, where the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit this week upheld the governor’s abortion ban.
Four years ago, Texas was also the focus of a fierce legal battle that eventually led to the US Supreme Court ruling. The repealed Texas state law is said to protect women’s health. The court ruled that it was medically unnecessary and unconstitutional.
Now Texas is once again the center of a legal battle over abortion. In other states – Ohio, Iowa, Alabama, and Oklahoma – the courts have so far stood by abortion service providers and their patients.
This is not the case in Texas, where Governor Greg Abbott signs an executive order prohibiting all “unimportant” medical procedures in the state, including abortion. A temporary executive order was banned in the District Court, but the Fifth Circuit then applied the governor’s vote by 2 to 1, stating that “all general constitutional rights may be reasonably limited to combat public health emergencies.”
Texas State Attorney Ken Paxton said in an interview with NPR: “There are no other optional medical procedures that can be taken in the state because it might require both people … beds and supplies, and clearly doctors and nurses.”
“Take advantage of this crisis”
Nancy Northrop, CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights, sees things very different. He said: “It is very clear that anti-abortion human rights politicians are unabashedly exploiting this crisis to achieve what their long-term ideological goal of banning abortion in the United States has been.”
Paxton denied this, saying that Texas “does not target specific groups”. The state, he said, “is the only goal is to protect people from death.”
But the American Medical Association recently submitted a brief report in this case to support abortion providers, as did 18 countries, led by New York, the country most affected by coronaviruses.
They argue that the ban on abortion is much more dangerous, because it will force women to travel long distances to get it. A study from the Guttmacher Institute found that people who seek abortion during a COVID-19 outbreak have to travel more than 20 times more than usual if countries succeed in prohibiting abortion during an epidemic. AMA also notes that pregnant women do not stop needing medical treatment if they do not have a miscarriage.
Northrop, of the Center for Reproductive Rights, sees this as further proof that the ban is a calculated step by the state: “What lies in this is the fact that they are trying to ban drugs and abortion as well; this is the use of abortion pills.”
“It does not need to be done in the clinic, and it can be done, by remote treatment effectively. Therefore it appears that the real purpose here, tragically, is to kill a person’s right to decide to terminate a pregnancy, and not a legitimate public health response.”
‘I am desperate’
The letter in the Texas case tells of a terrible experience that occurred as a result of the state of Texas ban. One ad was provided by a 24-year-old student. The week when she lost her part-time job as a waitress, she knew she was pregnant. She and her colleagues agreed that they wanted to end the pregnancy, and on March 20 she went to the clinic in Forth Worth alone. Because of the social distance rules, her partner is not allowed to go with her.
Since she was pregnant in the tenth week, and still in her first trimester, she has qualified for medical abortion. Under state law, he must wait 24 hours before getting a pill at the clinic, but the night before the scheduled schedule, the clinic calls for cancellation due to Abbott’s executive order.
He wrote in his statement: “He was a partner with him and we were crying together.” “I cannot risk the possibility that I will run out of time to have an abortion while the outbreak continues,” and “it seems increasingly difficult to travel.”
He made several calls to clinics in New Mexico and Oklahoma. The fastest option is Denver – a 12-hour trip, 780 miles from where he lives. His partner is still working, so his best friend agrees to go with him. According to a written statement, they packed the sewage and food in the car for a long trip and arrived at the Denver Clinic on March 26, where he saw other cars bearing Texas license plates in the parking lot.
At the clinic, he was examined, and gave him another ultrasound examination, and because Colorado had no need to wait 24 hours, he was given the first abortion pill without delay and was told that he should try to go home within 30 hours to take the second pill.
Then he and his friend turned around to go home. They were afraid of a miscarriage in the car, and tried to pass without rest. But after six hours, when it was dark, they were so tired that they had to stop in a sleeping hotel. The woman finally got home and took the second pill in just 30 hours.
She said that despite the ordeal she was grateful for having the money, cars, friends and partners who supported her work, to make abortion possible. He wrote that others would not be lucky. But “I am desperate and desperate, they take desperate steps to protect themselves.”
“Narration” selection
Paxton, the Texas attorney general, appears unaffected by the limited time determined by pregnancy, or the difficulty traveling abroad to perform an abortion. “Narration always becomes,” he told NPR. “This is the whole narration. I am a little surprised by this question, considering it is always a problem.”
On Thursday, abortion providers and their patients returned to the Texas District Court instead of submitting a direct appeal to the US Supreme Court. Revoking the decision of the Fifth District from the beginning of this week. District court judges, who originally prevented the governor’s ban, narrowed the governor’s order so that medical abortion – along with the pill – is excluded from the ban, as well as abortion for women who face state deadlines. Abortion is prohibited in Texas after 22 weeks.
However, in the end, this case may go to the US Supreme Court. Because of the addition of two Trump-appointed people since 2016 – the court’s composition is far more hostile to abortion rights.
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