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New York Times: Erik Prince recruits former spies to help with Project Veritas bites


Based on interviews and documents, the Times reported that one of Prince's recruits was a former officer of the British foreign intelligence agency MI6.

Former MI6 officer Richard Seddon supervised an undercover operation in 2017 to copy documents and record conversations in a Michigan section of the teachers 'union, the American Teachers' Federation, according to the Times .

Documents obtained by The Times showed that Seddon had ordered an undercover agent to secretly register local AFT Michigan leaders and gather potentially damaging information about the union, reported the newspaper.

The Times reported that the operation was led by Project Veritas, a conservative organization led by the self-proclaimed "guerrilla reporter" James O & # 39; Keefe who uses controversial hidden camera and recording tactics secrets. CNN and other media have been targeted by Project Veritas' sting operations.

AFT Michigan has sued Project Veritas in federal court and a trial is scheduled for November. Project Veritas argued that its actions are both protected by the First Amendment and legal.

The Veritas project has yet to respond to CNN's request for comment. A Prince spokesman declined to comment on CNN and the Times. Seddon did not respond to newspaper emails.

O & # 39; Keefe refused to answer the Times' questions about Prince or Seddon.

He told The Times that Project Veritas is a "proud independent news organization" involved in several investigations and that many sources provide the group with "confidential documents, information about internal processes and the wearing of hidden cameras to expose corruption." and the faults ".

"Nobody tells Project Veritas who or what to investigate," he told The Times.

The Times noted that it is unclear whether officials or advisers to the Trump administration were involved in the operations.

According to The Times, Prince, the founder of the private security company Blackwater WorldWide, appears to have expressed an interest in using former spies for the first time to train Project Veritas in spying tactics. ; 2016 presidential election.

In his speech to former intelligence officers, Prince said his goal was to get Project Veritas to learn surveillance skills, such as recruiting sources and making secret recordings, the Times reported.

In 2017 Prince invited employees of O & # 39; Keefe and Project Veritas to his family's ranch in Wyoming and arranged for an unnamed former MI6 British officer to provide training to the group, Interception reported last year.

A spokesman for Prince told The Intercept that Prince "supports Project Veritas' mission to uncover government largesse and corruption and allowed Project Veritas to use his family's ranch in Wyoming". The spokesman added that Prince has no business relationship with O & # 39; Keefe or Project Veritas.

Project Veritas and Prince both have ties to Trump.

Trump promoted videos from Project Veritas and met O & # 39; Keefe shortly after he became a declared candidate in 2015. Before being a candidate, Trump's charitable foundation donated at least $ 10,000 to Project Veritas, according to CNN and The Washington Post.
O & # 39; Keefe was invited to the White House in July 2019 for his "social media summit", which included a number of political allies.

Prince, who is also the brother of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, has been a prominent supporter of Trump and has informally advised the White House on certain major foreign policy decisions.

Prince is one of a dozen Trump associates who had contact with Russians during the campaign or transition and found themselves involved in investigations into Russian interference in 2016 US elections, according to CNN and other media, as well as public statements.
He is currently under investigation by the Ministry of Justice into the allegations he lied to Congress during the House Intelligence Committee's investigation into the Russian interference and possible violations of US export laws, the Times reported.
CNN obtained a letter last month showing that the DOJ was examining the months-old request from Intelligence House president Adam Schiff to investigate allegations that Prince had induced Congress repeatedly mistaken.

The Justice Minister's letter to Schiff, dated February 4, said, "The department does not generally confirm or deny the existence of an investigation, and you should not interpret this acknowledgment as confirmation of an investigate any of the issues described in your letter. "

Prince spokesman Marc Cohen told CNN about the Russia investigation that "Prince's testimony had been public for over a year and was available at any time as Mr. Prince had met with the Ministry of Justice during the investigation of the special council ". . "

"Mr. Prince has fully cooperated with the special council's investigation, as his report shows," said Cohen. "There is nothing new to be considered by the Department of Justice, and there is no reason to question the decision of the Special Council to attribute credit to Mr. Prince and trust him to write his report. "

CNN's Marshall Cohen and Zachary Cohen contributed to this report.

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