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UK summer vacations take off, but nothing like pre-KOVID


LONDONR (AP) With all British schools now closed for the summer, airports and airlines were looking at a more normal rate on Saturday, though the number of families heading to warmer climates remains far from the coronavirus pandemic.

This weekend traditionally marks the brilliant summer departure from Britain, with airports full of excited children and their anxious parents heading mainly to the popular beach resorts of Southern Europe, from the Portuguese Algarve coast in the west to the island country of wet by the sun of Cyprus in the east.

However, with trips to and from many popular destinations facing various quarantine requirements and often confusing and testing, it is clear that many British families feel there is a lot of trouble and have decided to take a vacation within the UK again.

For the second year of running, it all has to do with attitude.

What do you dislike about fish and chips and a crazy seaside golf game or enjoying a marshmallow over a campfire at the Latitude music festival in eastern England that is being attended this weekend by around 40,000 people?

Still, the numbers of overseas ventures are certainly on the rise, in part as a result of the UK rapidly spreading coronavirus vaccines which have seen nearly 70% of the adult population receive the required doses and over 87% receive at least one dose.

The British Government, which has functioned a traffic light system for overseas travel, recently changed its rules to make it easier for fully vaccinated individuals and their families to travel. Now, anyone arriving in England from amber list destinations, including Greece, Spain and the United States, is exempt from 10-day quarantine governments subject to testing requirements.

Although France is on the amber list, anyone returning from there to England still has to quarantine for 10 days amid concerns over the beta variant first identified in South Africa.

Industry executives said the changes have helped boost the travel sector, one of the most affected by the pandemic, as well as many destinations in Europe that rely heavily on British tourists.

Airports and airlines across the UK are enjoying their busiest weekend of the year to date. London Heathrow Airport said it was expecting around 129,000 passengers on Saturday and Sunday. Although welcome, that’s about half the number I saw two years ago.

We hope to welcome even more passengers as vaccination levels rise in the UK and abroad, said CEO John Holland-Kaye.

Gatwick, airports no. 2 of Britains, expected from 25,000 to 27,000 passengers a day over the weekend. Again, this is much lower than the equivalent weekend in pre-COVID times, when it could see around 100,000 passengers a day.

Holiday company Tui said it has almost double the number of travelers traveling Friday through Sunday compared to last weekend. He will resume flights to a number of destinations including the Greek islands of Kefalonia and Skiathos and Marrakech in Morocco.

For most people in Britain, however, entry on those flights will have to wait. There is always next year.


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