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BC records 580 new cases of COVID-19 and 9 other deaths


British Columbia on Thursday announced 580 new cases of COVID-19 and nine deaths.

In a written statement, the provincial government said there are currently 5,348 active cases of people infected with the new coronavirus in BC

A total of 378 people are in hospital, with 153 in intensive care.

Overall hospital admissions, which usually lag behind increases and decreases in new cases, have risen by 1.3 per cent since last Thursday, when 373 people were hospitalized with the disease, and about 31 per cent from a month ago when 288 people were in the hospital.

The number of patients in intensive care has increased by about 15 percent from 132 a week ago and by 9.2 percent from a month ago when 140 people were in the ICU.

The provincial death toll from COVID-19 is now 2,042 lives lost from 195,766 confirmed cases so far.

There are a total of 19 active outbreaks in assisted living, long-term and acute care. The acute care hospitals affected are Mission Memorial Hospital, North University Hospital BC and Tofino General Hospital.

As of Thursday, 89.0 percent of those 12 years and older in Christ had received the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 82.9 percent received a second dose.

From October 6 to 12, people who were not fully vaccinated accounted for 66.9 percent of cases, and from September 29 to October 12, they accounted for 75 percent of hospitalizations, according to the province.

To date, eight million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered.

Closing of the primary school in Mission

On Thursday Windebank Elementary School in Mission announced closure due to staff shortage by COVID-19.

A statement from Supt. Angus Wilson said the school will move on to distance learning from now until Thursday, October 21st. He said distance learning will begin on Monday, October 18 as teachers will use Friday to prepare for the alternative format.

“While there are no health or safety concerns at this time, I have determined that operationally we will have to close the school for next week due to a lack of staff in the building,” he said in a statement.

Children’s mask mandates

Children aged five and over are now included in the public health order ordering masks for indoor public spaces in BC

province announced the change Tuesday after deciding earlier this month that the mask mandate for schools will also be expanded to include staff and students in kindergarten up to 3rd grade.

Previously, the mask rule for indoor public spaces applied only to children aged 12 and over.

Currently, only those 12 years of age and older are eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in Canada. Pfizer has asked Health Canada to approve its vaccine for children ages 5 to 11, and Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry says she hopes the vaccine will be available to children by early November.

Regional restrictions remain

Different activities are allowed in different parts of the province due to different community vaccination rates and the number of cases.

IN Eastern Fraser Valley including Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Hope, Mission and Agassiz-Harrison private gatherings are limited to five extra people or an extra family. Outdoor meetings are limited to 10 people if all participants are not fully vaccinated.

Organized events such as weddings or conferences will be limited to 10 people, or 50 people outside, unless all are fully vaccinated, which can be verified at province vaccine cardswith

Internal Health has restrictions in force for each community in its health authority.

Personal gatherings and vacation rental gatherings are limited to your family plus five guests or another family. Personal meetings in nature are limited to 50 people.

On Thursday, Henry imposed additional restrictions on communities north of Christ where COVID-19 is spreading, in a bid to reduce the strain on health care workers in the region.

Collection restrictions are currently in effect for all communities in the Northern Health region and exact details are available at health authority website.




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