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Australia tightens rules on foreign interference at universities

Australia tightens rules on foreign interference at universities


Visitors take pictures of the main building at the University of Sydney in Australia, August 5, 2016. REUTERS / Jason Reed AUNI

SYDNEY, Nov 17 (Reuters) – Australia says it has tightened rules on foreign intervention for universities to ban self-censorship on campus and covert transfer of sensitive technology, before hundreds of thousands of international students are expected to return after borders closed by COVID -19 pandemic reopening.

International education is Australia’s fourth largest export industry, with China the largest source of tuition-paying students.

Home Secretary Karen Andrews said Wednesday that foreign intervention guidelines would protect universities and students from “foreign hostile actors and intelligence services; who are known to target sensitive research, hinder debate and intimidate foreign students.” “.

Australia is concerned that its trade advantage could be lost by unwanted technology transfer and by researchers not declaring links to armies or governments in countries that do not rank high on transparency or democracy indexes, the guidelines said.

Universities will determine which staff will be required to be audited for their links to foreign governments or companies.

A large number of Chinese students at Australian universities have created an environment of self-censorship with professors avoiding criticism of Beijing and Chinese students remaining silent for fear of bullying, Human Rights Watch said in June.

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The new guidelines do not mention China, but present case studies involving parallel incidents involving China and the harassment of Hong Kong protesters on Australian campuses since 2019, as well as pressure on a university by a country consulate to withdraw a paper academic on COVID- 19 because he embarrassed the foreign government.

Australia, which passed its first foreign intervention law in 2018, sparking a dispute with China, defines the term as activity that is coercive, clandestine or corrupt and distinct from the normal lobbying activity of a foreign government.

The tougher rules come as ties deteriorated last year when Australia called for an independent inquiry into the origin of the new coronavirus, sparking trade retaliation hitting Australian goods ranging from barley and coal to wine. Read more

The European Commission has said it is also developing rules for foreign intervention for European universities.

The Chinese embassy in Canberra wrote to the Australian Parliament to complain that Senator James Paterson, chairman of the intelligence committee, delivered a speech to the European Parliament last week describing how Australia’s foreign intervention rules were a response to the threat. from China.

“The so-called security threat of China’s influence in Australia” was false information, said a copy of the Chinese complaint reviewed by Reuters.

Reporting by Kirsty Needham; edited by Richard Pullin

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