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British-educated woman seeks Bihar CM job, promises to transform state in Europe



Pushpam Priya Chaudhary poses for photos.

On Monday, full-page advertisements in various Bihar newspapers caught the attention of many, with a young woman watching the readers in one of the advertisements with a caption – CM CANDIDATE BIHAR 2020.

Another whole page was devoted to an open letter from the last candidate for the post of CM – with the history of Bihar, she promised to transform the state in Europe by 2030.

The young woman urged voters to ensure that her "shapath patra" or oath of engagement was kept in a safe place for future reference.

For good measure, she said she wanted to return to Bihar after studying abroad and transform it into "the most developed Indian state in five years".

The woman in question who paid for the newspaper ads was identified as Pushpam Priya Chaudhary, a UK educated daughter of former Legislative Council member Vinod Chaudhary, originally from Darbhanga. She named her party “plural”.

Pushpam, who is fairly active on social media, also made announcements about his party and his plans on his Twitter account.

Tweeting that Bihar needs change and that her party has a roadmap for 2025 and 2030, she talks about the development of Bihar and calls on people to join her new party.

Sources said she came from a politically influential Brahmin family from Darbhanga and announced her candidacy when the elections to the Assembly are scheduled by the end of the year. The year could be an attempt by a Bihar political strategist to meddle in politics in the Darbangha and Koshi regions.

As BJP-Janata Dal-United alliance projects outgoing president Nitish Kumar as chief ministerial candidate, opposition Rashtriya Janata Dal and his allies will put Tejashwi Yadav, son of party leader Lalu Prasad in jail , at the service of its allies. The entry of Pushpam added a new dimension to state policy.

However, not everyone is impressed. Afzal Abbas, a senior JD-U leader, laughed at the development, saying that no one becomes a leader by running newspaper ads. To become a leader, he said, one must go to work among the masses.

"However, we have democracy in the country. Anyone can declare themselves a chief ministerial candidate. Ultimately, it is the people who decide who is their leader. It is only an attempt to get his name printed in the newspapers. " he pointed out.

He said development should not be taken seriously and that there will be no effect on Bihar policy as such.

According to Pushpam's Twitter account, she graduated in public administration from the London School of Economics and Political Science as well as in development studies from the University of Susex.
Indo-Asian News Service

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