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International News: US team beats Peru for sixth straight victory at WBSC U-18 Women’s Soccer World Cup; Chinese Taipei secures final place for first time

International News: US team beats Peru for sixth straight victory at WBSC U-18 Women’s Soccer World Cup;  Chinese Taipei secures final place for first time
International News: US team beats Peru for sixth straight victory at WBSC U-18 Women’s Soccer World Cup;  Chinese Taipei secures final place for first time


Erin Coffel came out 2-on-4 with a home run, triple and three RBIs in the 13-0 win over Peru on Friday.

Now we know who will play for the WBSC U-18 World Cup championship on Sunday afternoon.

Chinese Taipei and USA have secured the top two places in the final standings with a perfect record 6-0 and will play the final of the tournament, scheduled for this Sunday, at 16:00 EST.

On Friday, Chinese Taipei won its place in the World Cup final after a 1-0 victory over the Czech Republic. StarterHsia-Ai Kethrew a gem to come out Katerina Kindermmanova while she threw a full match with three kicks, hitting six without walking. She records an ERA of 0.67 for the tournament with three wins and no losses after 21 rows of work.

For Chinese Taipei, this will be the first final in the youth category. The Asian team has previously won two bronze medals, in 1999 as the host team and 2011 in South Africa, and will become the fourth team to play a final in this competition, joining the US, Japan and China.

The US team, on the other hand, has participated in 12 of the first 13 editions of the Women’s Softball World Cup, winning seven world titles.

The battle for third and fourth place includes Puerto Rico, Mexico and the Czech Republic.

Puerto Rico (4-2) will face the Czech Republic in the final match, while Mexico will play Peru at 19:00.

These are the results from all the matches on Friday:

The US defeated host Peru, 13-0, last Friday’s match at the Villa Maria del Triunfo complex and goes into the final day of the round as one of the leaders in the ranking with the record 6-0.

A fifth game with nine runs from the U.S. attack helped push the U-18 women national team (WNT) toward victory. The U.S. Team Leadership in its sixth consecutive tournament victory was an explosive attack that amassed 13 strokes in the race, including four doubles, a triple and two home runs.

Standing at the top of the leaderboard with two home runs and an average stroke of 0.556, Erin Coffel (Bremen, Ind.) Continued its dominance on the plate in tonight’s win with a multi-stroke game, including a three-run blast.

Mac Morgan won for the Americans, giving up two strokes in 3.2 inning with seven strokes.

A combined pitching effort by Mac Morgan (Garden City, Mo.) and Raelin Chaffin (Bossier City, La.) Allowed the total U.S. attacks to rise to 60 while staff limited Peru’s attack to just two blows in the win.

Keely Williams (Cibolo, Texas) led the game with a walk, giving the U.S. team the first bat of the night before using its speed to steal the second and advance to the scoring position. An attack and a flight out would keep him in second until The allure of Vjollca (Murrieta, California) tied a line with two exits in the middle, forcing a defensive error that allowed Williams to score to put the US at the top, 1-0.

Starting in the circle for the U.S. Team, Morgan did a quick job of the Peruvian offensive at the end of the match with one kick and two exits on the ground to get the U.S. Team back on the plate.

Rylee Holtorf (Peoria, Ariz.) Managed for the Reds, Whites and Blues at the top of the frame after finding a gap on the field and rushing to second place for a pair before Team USAs recorded the second stolen night base to move on to the third. A wild field would allow Holtorf to score and score Joecellia Roberts (Modesto, California) at the base with a walk followed by a bachelor across the field from Avery Hodge (Richmond, Texas) to continue American nudes.

Megan Grant

With the runners in first and second place, the Eagles would seek to soften their lead, but an off-field and an off-flight would end the match with the U.S. team, 2-0.

Morgan continued to work in the circle, firing consecutively before a shot from Peru threw a single shot. Kinsey Fiedlers (Lees Summit, Mo.) head to reach the base. Staying calm and quiet, Morgan fired quickly with another shot to end the race and leave the runner trapped.

The US came out rocking to the top of the third ranking, while Coffel led with a triple followed by a bagged flight from Zavodnik to add one to the lead. A flight out would be the second consecutive exit, however Megan Grant (San Bruno, California) and Holtorf rekindled the spark with successive doubles to make another race for Team USA. A cross from the line by Roberts would seem to mark another run for the US, but an impressive catch from the Peruvian center-back would close the rally with the Eagles in the lead, 4-0.

As a well-painted car, the U.S. defense continued to take care of the business by covering textbooks as Morgan amassed two more hits to send the game into the fourth. The top of the frame was quiet for the Americans, while Peru threatened to score at the end of the match after a walk and a single kick by runners in the corners. An attempt to steal the base resulted in a home run after the US prevented Peru from scoring before a change of field brought Chaffin, who quickly regained control and closed Peru’s attack with a shot to end the match .

The U.S. team closed the game in fifth, scoring nine runs to increase its lead, 13-0.

A single house, inside the park, run by Maci Bergeron (Rayne, La.) Would perform the first two runs of the tournament while Grant and Holtorf followed with a single pair to keep the energy up. Roberts surrendered with a double field on the right to hit two more for the Eagles before a walk Olivia Johnson (Pearland, Texas) and a song by Williams loaded the basics, setting the stage for Fiedler to amass 2 RBIs and give the US a 10-run lead with a single in the center.

Keeping his foot on the gas, Coffel blew up a house with three runs over the center field fence to add three more runs to the bullet that goes to the bottom of the frame. Standing in the tire for Team USA, Chaffin wasted no time in closing the match, pulling Peru’s attack so that with two kicks and a field off to seal the 13-0 victory as a rule.

Returning to action on Saturday, Red, White and Blue will go out on the field at 13:30 ET against Nr. 6 Chinese Taipei to close the Open Round before both teams advance to the World Cup gold medal match on Sunday, December 12 at 4pm ET.

After finishing at the top of the leaders’ table in the Open Round with 28 round games, tomorrow’s match will determine which team will come out on the field as the home team for the coveted World Cup final.

Direct statistics will be available throughUSASoftball.comwhile the WBSC has provided live broadcast, which can be accessed byby clicking here.

Due to the postponement of the WBSC U-18 World Cup, which was originally scheduled to take place in August 2020, the WBSC extended the age qualification to allow athletes qualifying for the 2020 event with the opportunity to attend the event rescheduled this year.

With extended age eligibility, the U.S. national women’s U-18 Softball 2021 team roster includes one member of the 2019 U-17 Pan American Gold Medal team, six current NCAA I Division I student-athletes and 12 NCAA Division I students engaged and / or signed, four of whom also advanced to the JWNT Selection Tests through the U.S. Softball High Performance Program (HPP).

Photos and information provided by USA Softball & WBSC

Click here to view the full schedule for the 2021 WBSC U-18 Women’s World Cup




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