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Gulf News scribe wins TRACE award for investigative reporting


Mazhar Farooqui

Mazhar Farooqui
Image Credit: Gulf News

Dubai: Gulf News reporter won international journalism award for story that blew up the multi-million dollar global job racket last year.

Senior story editor Mazhar Farooqui won an honorable mention and $ 1,000 at the TRACE Prize for investigative reporting at an awards ceremony held Thursday evening in Maryland, United States United.

Farooquis’s story revealed how the India job portal Wisdom Jobs, with 33 million registered users, had used internal call center agents to impersonate the hiring managers of the best companies to ” offer non-existent jobs.

A few days after the revelations, Indian police launched a crackdown on the company and arrested its CEO and 13 other staff members. They have been accused of collecting millions of dollars in service charges from over 100,000 job seekers worldwide.

The judges described the story as extremely well written, engagingly told and convincingly recorded. The talk was also ranked among the best investigative stories published outside the MENA region in 2019, by the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)

Learn more about the Wisdom Jobs scam

The TRACE Foundation is a non-profit organization based in the United States. Their annual award recognizes journalism that uncovers commercial bribery or related financial crime. The awards ceremony included an introductory speech by veteran journalist Charles Lewis.

Iraqi journalist Asaad Al-Zalzalee received the TRACE award for his investigation into schools of illusion which revealed widespread fraud involving 200 million US dollars allocated to building schools in Iraq,

Renee Dudley, a senior reporter for ProPublica, won an award for her story The Extortion Economy, which exposed a scheme in which companies allegedly aimed to help ransomware victims secretly pay hackers.

The Corruption Division team, which included journalists from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, La Posta, McClatchy and other organizations, also received an honorable mention for its investigation which uncovered new angles in the Car Wash scandal.

TRACE President Alexandra Wrage said: The bravery and tenacity of these journalists is palpable, and we are proud to recognize these incredibly deserving projects.

The jury was made up of William Gumede, Diana B. Henriques, Rosebell Kagumire, Peter Klein, Donatella Lorch and Jorge Luis Sierra.

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