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US to host G7 ministerial meeting due to coronavirus issues


"As a precaution, the United States has decided to host the next G7 ministerial conference virtually by videoconference instead of meeting in Pittsburgh from March 24 to 25," said the spokeswoman for the Department of Commerce. State Morgan Ortagus in a statement. "We thank the City of Pittsburgh for their willingness to host this year's G7 ministerial meeting and for their support and assistance in planning this year's event. We look forward to ; organize future events there. "

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Timothy McNulty, director of communications for the mayor's office in Pittsburgh, said he welcomed the decision.

"It comes the same day that we announce the cancellation of the St. Patrick's Day parade in the city and is consistent with the CDC's warnings about social distancing and big events," he said in an e -mail to CNN. "The cancellation of the meeting will also allow our public security personnel to fully focus on the preparations for COVID-19."

The United States holds the 2020 presidency of the G7, whose members are the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Canada. All countries in the organization are currently grappling with the COVID-19 epidemic. Italy has imposed strict restrictions on travel and activities throughout the country in order to contain the virus.

The G7 Ministerial Conference is the last diplomatic event to be shelved for fear of spreading the coronavirus. A senior Trump administration official announced in late February that the United States was postponing the meeting of leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to be held in Las Vegas.

"As the international community works together to defeat the new coronavirus, the United States, in consultation with ASEAN partners, has made the difficult decision to postpone the scheduled ASEAN leadership meeting. by mid-March, "they said. "The United States appreciates our relationships with the nations of this critical region and looks forward to the next meetings."

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund announced in early March that their spring meetings would be held in a "virtual format".

"Like everyone in the world, we are deeply concerned about the evolving situation of the coronavirus and the human tragedy that surrounds it. Given the growing health concerns related to the virus, the leadership and the World Bank Group and their Boards of Directors have agreed to implement a joint plan to adapt the Spring 2020 meetings of the IMF and the World Bank to a virtual format, "said the IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva and the President of the World Bank David Malpass in a joint statement.

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