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Admission scandal: former professional football player pleads guilty



David Sidoo, a Canadian businessman and former football player accused of paying $ 200,000 to fake his son's exams, will plead guilty to fraud under a 90-day deal from prison.

Sidoo signed its plea agreement in February, but the document was not made public until Wednesday. He is scheduled to appear in court on Friday to quash the guilty plea he brought in a year ago when he and 32 other parents were charged with conspiring with Newport consultant William Rick Singer. Beach who admitted to overseeing a sprawling plot that defrauded. some of the most prestigious universities in the country with doctoral exams, false sports titles and bribes.

In addition to the 90-day prison sentence, Sidoo agreed to pay a $ 250,000 fine and remain on probation for two years after his release from prison, according to his plea agreement.

His lawyer, Martin G. Weinberg, said that Sidoo was motivated by a desire for finality.

Some defendants feel it more deeply than others, said Weinberg.

If the American district judge Nathaniel M. Gorton accepts his plea, Sidoo will become the 22North Dakota parent accused in admissions scandal and 32North Dakota overall, the accused will plead guilty to a series of fraud and money laundering charges laid by federal prosecutors in Boston.

Parents who admitted to plotting with Singer were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 14 days for Felicity Huffman, an award-winning actress, to nine months for Douglas Hodge, the former CEO of Pimco. One parent was completely spared.

Twenty-one parents and university coaches from a group that includes actress Lori Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli have maintained their innocence and are sentenced to trial. The first trial, which will include Loughlin and Giannulli, is scheduled to start on October 5.

Sidoo, a Vancouver energy chief and former Canadian Football League defender, resigned from the management of East West Petroleum, a publicly traded company, after his arrest in the United States. ; last year. From 2011 to 2016, prosecutors alleged in an indictment, Sidoo had conspired with Singer to fix the tests that his sons were to apply to undergraduate, graduate and law school programs.

Sidoo has agreed to plead guilty to the first charge, which accuses him of conspiring to commit fraud by mail and wire. If Gorton accepts his plea, prosecutors have agreed to dismiss a charge of money laundering.

In 2011, Sidoo emailed Singer copies of his older son's driver's license and student ID. The singer fabricated a fake ID card with the name of Sidoos' son and the likeness of an accomplice, Mark Riddell, a Harvard-trained administrator at a Florida preparatory school, according to the deed of indictment.

Because Sidoos' son had a low score when he first came out of SAT 1460 on 2400, the singer ordered Riddell not to get too high a score, which could have attracted attention, said the indictment. Riddell flew to Vancoucer, used the fake ID to impersonate Sidoos' son, and scored 1,670 out of 2,400 on the test, according to the indictment. Sidoo paid Singer $ 100,000, the statement said.

The following year, Riddell returned to Vancouver and took the boys' high school graduation exams, according to the indictment.

Sidoo repeated the plan for his younger son, the indictment was laid, but because the boy had not yet taken the SAT on his own, Singer told Riddell to aim high. Riddell, again using a fake ID, took the boys' test and scored 2,280 out of 2,400, according to the indictment. Sidoo paid Singer an additional $ 100,000, according to the indictment.

When Sidoos 'son applied to college the following year, Singer wrote an essay outlining the boys' volunteer work with gangs in Los Angeles. It was a sham, according to the indictment. Singer emailed the project to Sidoo, who replied: Can we reduce interaction with gangs. Guns? It's scary. Sidoos' son eventually submitted the unreported test of firearms to several universities, according to the indictment.

In 2015, when his older son applied to graduate schools and law schools, Sidoo and Singer again conspired to correct his GMAT and LSAT exams. Singer abandoned the plan to rig the LSAT when he learned that test administrators were using fingerprinting technology to verify the identity of candidates. Riddell wired someone in China for $ 520 for fake driver's licenses, but the IDs were so poor that Riddell decided not to take GMAT for Sidoos' son, according to indictment.

In October 2018, a month after being apprehended and convinced to cooperate with the authorities, Singer called Sidoo on a recorded line. Sidoo told him that his son was applying for business school. I thought you were going to call me and say I had gotten a 2100 on my GMAT, said Sidoo, according to the indictment, which noted that the GMAT is rated on a scale of 200 to 800.

They don't have 2100 for GMAT, said Singer. But I would do my best to get it for you.

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