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India cancels almost all visas and closes border with Myanmar as regional cases of coronavirus increase



By Shilpa Jamkhandikar

MUMBAI, March 11 (Reuters)India said on Wednesday it would suspend the vast majority of visas for the country in a far-reaching attempt to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, while cases in the region continued to increase.

The virus has hit Europe and the United States much harder than China's most immediate neighbors in South Asia, where no one has died yet. But as the number of cases in the region has exceeded 80, experts fear that its overburdened medical systems will not be able to handle the type of intensive care required.

"All existing visas, except diplomats, officials, United Nations / international organizations, employment, project visas, are suspended until April 15, 2020," said the Indian Ministry of Health in a statement.

Millions of foreigners of Indian descent, who traditionally enjoy visa-free access, will now also have to apply, the order says.

The new measures will take effect from 1200 GMT on March 13.

The notice indicated that anyone with a "compelling reason" to visit the country could contact the nearest Indian mission. He also urged Indian nationals to avoid non-essential travel abroad, in one of the most ambitious opinions since the start of the epidemic in late December.

Spokesmen for the Indian Ministries of Health and Foreign Affairs did not respond to requests for comment.

On Tuesday, India suspended the issuance of visas to French, Spanish and German citizens until further notice. Such restrictions were already in place for citizens of China, Italy, Iran, Japan and South Korea – the five countries most affected by the virus epidemic.

The national airline Air India announced on Wednesday the suspension of its flights to Italy and South Korea until March 28 and 25, respectively.

India has also closed a border with neighboring Myanmar to counter the epidemic, with countries in South Asia reporting an increase in cases. So far, no cases have been confirmed in Myanmar.

"As a precaution (to prevent) transmission of coronavirus / COVID-19, the international border with Myanmar has been closed … until further notice," said N. Biren Singh, Chief Minister of the northeast state of Manipur, which shares a border with Myanmar, said Tuesday in a tweet.

The total number of cases in the country rose to 68 on Wednesday, according to data from the Federal Ministry of Health and the Chief Minister of the State of Maharashtra.

The southern state of Kerala, which reported three new cases over the weekend, said on Tuesday that it was closing schools and cinemas to prevent a new epidemic. Schools in at least two other states have also been closed.

In Afghanistan, the number of confirmed cases has dropped from seven to four, the ministry of health announced on Wednesday.

The Bangladesh High Court has ordered the government to take action to curb soaring prices for masks and disinfectants, after reporting its first three cases of the virus on Sunday.

Two of these cases have since been negative.

(Report by Shilpa Jamkhandikar in Mumbai, additional report by Qadir Sediqi in Kabul and Ruma Paul in Dacca; edited by Alasdair Pal, Alison Williams, William Maclean)

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