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Iranian Vice President, two ministers hit by coronavirus | New



The Iranian vice president and two other cabinet members have the new coronavirus, reported the semi-official news agency Fars.

Wednesday's report comes amid days of speculation about the health of Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri, whohas not been seen in the images of recent high-level meetings.


Fars said other sick officials were Ali Asghar Mounesan, minister of cultural heritage, crafts and tourism, and Reza Rahmani, minister of industry, mines and business.

There have been no immediate reports of the infections in official state media.

Iran is among the nations of the world most affected by the virus.

The death toll in Iran from the new coronavirus jumped on another consecutive day, killing 62 more in the past 24 hours, as the government Wednesday increased the death toll to 354.

The Iranian health ministry said the deaths were among some 9,000 confirmed cases in Iran, where the virus has spread to the country's 31 provinces.

Iranian MP dies of coronavirus

Across the Middle East, the vast majority of the 9,700 people who have contracted the coronavirus or the COVID-19 disease it causes are in Iran, or have recently returned from it.

The Islamic Republic has one of the worst deaths in the world outside of China, the epicenter of the epidemic. Apart from Iran, only Iraq, Egypt and Lebanon have recorded deaths from the virus in the Middle East.

It is feared that the number of infections in Iran will be much higher than the confirmed cases reported by the government, which is struggling to contain the spread of the epidemic. The increasing number of casualties every day in Iran suggests that the fight against the new coronavirus is far from over.

Among the dead were five of the elite members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran and an unspecified volunteer Basij Guard force.

The Supreme Leader of Iran said on Tuesday that the Islamic Republic would recognize doctors and nurses who die while fighting the new coronavirus as "martyrs".

The decision of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, comes amid a propaganda campaign that was already trying to link the fight against the virus to the long and bloody war of the Iranians of the 80s against the 80's. ;Iraq. His forces, including virologists, were confronted with chemical weapons during Iran's eight-year war against Iraq under the regime of Saddam Hussein.

Middle East countries affected

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia has banned travel to and from 14 countries affected by the new virus. Very early on, as the virus spread in Asia, the kingdom stopped pilgrimages to the holiest sites of Islam in Mecca and Medina, and cut travel links with China and later , Iran.

He also banned the entry and exit of residents of Qatif, a province in eastern Saudi Arabia, where most of the country's 21 virus cases are confirmed after their return to Iran. .

In the Arab island nation of the Gulf of Bahrain, authorities say their number of confirmed cases increased by nearly 70% on Wednesday to 189 confirmed cases. The 77 new cases were all on a return flight of Bahraini evacuees from Iran.

Qatar records 238 new cases of coronavirus

In Qatar, the Ministry of Public Health confirmed on Wednesday that 238 new cases of COVID-19 for "expatriates who had been in contact with the three cases declared infected last Sunday". The ministry said the first three patients were all in the same residential complex.

Lebanon reported its second death on Wednesday, saying a 53-year-old man died from the virus. The Ministry of Health said that 37% of the cases reported in Lebanon came from four countries: Egypt, Iran, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

There are 26 confirmed cases in the occupied West Bank, mainly in Bethlehem. The Gaza health ministry said on Wednesday in a statement. The Gaza Strip is virus-free.

"All pilgrims and citizens returning from the Rafah border crossing must follow self-quarantine procedures to protect their health and the health of the community," the statement said.

In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a $ 2.8 billion bailout to stabilize the economy while it grapples with the virus. The money will double a previously announced fund to help businesses hit by the crisis to $ 2.4 billion. It also includes approximately $ 280 million for the health sector.

"The Israeli economy is in a better situation than most economies in the world," said Netanyahu. "However, we have a great challenge ahead. In our opinion, we can also face it in a way that will allow us to successfully overcome it in peace."

Israel has diagnosed a total of 77 cases of the virus. It has imposed a number of restrictions, including two weeks of home quarantine for anyone arriving from abroad.

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