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Libyan terrorist involved in 1988 Pan American bombing gave the green light to appeal his conviction



On December 21, 1988, Pan Am flight 103 exploded over the Scottish town of Lockerbie at the request of Libyan government officials, killing 243 passengers and 16 crew members on board, as well as 11 people in below.

The family of the only convicted terrorist has now received the green light from Scottish judicial authorities to appeal posthumously against the conviction.

The only individual brought to justice – Libyan intelligence officer Abdel Basset al Megrahi – was found guilty in 2001 and sentenced to life imprisonment, with a minimum of 27 years behind bars. He was released in 2009 for "compassionate reasons" – much to the wrath of American officials – and died in his home country in 2012, where he was widely hailed as a hero.

A general view of the floral tributes that were left by the main memorial stone in memory of the victims of the Flight 103 bombing, in the Garden of Remembrance at Dryfesdale Cemetery, near Lockerbie, Scotland . Friday December 21, 2018. Memorial services are held in Scotland and the United States to remember the 270 people killed in the Pan Am airliner explosion over the town of Lockerbie there 30 years ago.

A general view of the floral tributes that were left by the main memorial stone in memory of the victims of the Flight 103 bombing, in the Garden of Remembrance at Dryfesdale Cemetery, near Lockerbie, Scotland . Friday December 21, 2018. Memorial services are held in Scotland and the United States to remember the 270 people killed in the Pan Am airliner explosion over the town of Lockerbie there 30 years ago.


His family filed an appeal three years ago – which also received support from some of the victim's families, according to Sky News – that a "miscarriage of justice" could have occurred. This week, following a decision by the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC), his family can now appeal to the High Court of Judiciary of Scotland.

Abdel Basset al Megrahi, returns to Libya in 2009 after being released on humanitarian grounds from a Scottish prison

Abdel Basset al Megrahi, returns to Libya in 2009 after being released on humanitarian grounds from a Scottish prison


The SCCRC initially dismissed the family’s appeal, which was first filed in 2015. The family tried again, prompting the commission to agree to reconsider the high-profile case.

It was not immediately made clear what the family is seeking or hoping to gain from the appeal. However, Jonathan Schanzer, senior vice president of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), noted that this was probably a push to "revise history".

In this archive photo from December 22, 1988, police and investigators examine what remains of the Pan Am 103 cockpit in a field in Lockerbie, Scotland.

In this archive photo of December 22, 1988, police and investigators examine what remains of the Pan Am 103 cockpit in a field in Lockerbie, Scotland.

"It is well established that the Libyan government was behind this attack, so now it appears he is laughing at the agent's involvement", he said. told Fox News. "It is an effort to try to exonerate Megrahi."

Israel-based human rights lawyer Nitsana Darshan-Leitner shared this view.


"They're trying to do what the" Guildford Four "movie from" In the Name of the Father "did," she said, referring to the 1993 Daniel Day-Lewis movie with an accused IRA bomber. "Cancel the conviction and erase their names. Since he died, the family hopes to erase his name and have him declared innocent of the crime. Second, if in a new trial, he is declared and he is recognized innocent and was falsely imprisoned, his heirs and his succession could sue the government for compensation for the years of false imprisonment. "

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