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Latest News: World Figure Skating Championships Canceled



Latest information on the effects of the coronavirus epidemic on sports around the world (anytime EDT):

4:10 p.m.

The World Figure Skating Championships to be held next week in Montreal have been canceled due to public health concerns related to the spread of the new coronavirus.

The Minister of Health for the province of Quebec, Danielle McCann, made the announcement Wednesday.

The event was to bring together nearly 200 skaters from more than 50 countries in Montreal. This is the first competition in the skating season of the non-Olympic years. It is scheduled for Stockholm next year.

On Saturday, the women's world hockey championships in Nova Scotia were canceled.


4:00 p.m.

Nebraska is the last state to limit attendance or to cancel a state high school championship tournament.

The Nebraska Boys Basketball Tournament will run as scheduled from Thursday to Saturday, but the only fans allowed at the venues will be the immediate families of the participants.

The Lincoln County and Lancaster County Health Departments have recommended limiting spectators due to concerns about the spread of the coronavirus. Health officials announced this week that a Crofton High School student who attended the girls' tournament in Lincoln last week was diagnosed with COVID-19.

Ohio has announced that only families and media of participants will be allowed to attend the post-season winter sports tournaments.

Connecticut has canceled the rest of its winter sports seasons as well as state tournaments.

The boys 'and girls' basketball tournaments in New York and Pennsylvania were disrupted because several schools refused to host matches, which forced them to be postponed.

– Report by Eric Olson


3:45 p.m.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has said he will make an order regarding "mass gatherings" due to the coronavirus that will affect the NCAA tournament games in Cleveland and Dayton.

DeWine says the order will include a ban on spectators from the games and that he will ask people to make "informed decisions".

DeWine announced at a press conference on Wednesday that it will place an order within the next 24 to 36 hours. Dayton will host the NCAA top four next week at Dayton Arena, and the first and second round games will be held at the Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland.

"The order will be that there cannot be spectators," said DeWine. "There will certainly be people – there will be people from television, there may be people from radio there, there may be sports writers, certainly media there. But we are not going to have the big crowd. "

DeWine applauded the Mid-American Conference for closing its tournament games to the general public this week.

– Report by Tom Withers


3:35 p.m.

A Division III university sports conference in the northeastern United States has canceled its conference calendar for the spring season.

The New England Small College Athletic Conference says the decision comes because many NESCAC schools have told students to go home and complete the semester remotely due to the spread of the coronavirus.

The decision specifically concerns the schedules for the regular season and the conference championships. It does not deal with non-conference gaming.

NESCAC includes 11 institutions. These are Bates, Bowdoin and Colby colleges in Maine; Amherst College, Tufts University and Williams College in Massachusetts; Trinity College, Connecticut College and Wesleyan University in Connecticut; Middlebury College in Vermont; and Hamilton College in New York.


3:20 p.m.

Ski officials canceled the last races of the Women's Alpine Skiing World Cup due to public health concerns related to the spread of the coronavirus.

The decision to cancel the three-day event in Are, Sweden gives Federica Brignone of Italy the overall title and refuses Mikaela Shiffrin to return to competition this season.

Brignone becomes the first Italian champion in the women's general classification in 53 years of World Cup history.

Shiffrin, reigning general classification champion, announced earlier on Wednesday that she will participate in the event after taking a six-week break from the sport after her father died.

During his absence, Shiffrin lost his overall lead to Brignone, who is 153 points ahead of the American. There would have been a total of 300 points to be won in the past three races.

The International Ski Federation has announced the cancellation less than 24 hours before the first race, the giant parallel slalom on Thursday.

Next week’s World Cup final for women and men in Cortina d'Ampezzo had already been canceled due to the virus epidemic in northern Italy.


2:45 p.m.

The Fed Cup final has been postponed indefinitely due to concerns over the spread of the new coronavirus.

The 12-team women's tennis tournament was scheduled to take place from April 14 to 19 in Budapest, Hungary. The International Tennis Federation has said it still hopes to host the event in 2020, but has not announced a date.

The Fed Cup serves as a qualifying event for the Olympics and the ITF said it "is working closely with the IOC to deal with any impact that this may have on the "eligibility of athletes" for the Tokyo Games.

All playoff games between lower-ranked teams, which were to be played in eight locations around the world, have also been postponed.

ITF President David Haggerty said: "We are extremely disappointed to have to make this decision, but we will not risk the safety and well-being of the players, captains, staff of the ITF. event or spectators ".

The Fed Cup final offers a new format this year with 12 teams competing in four groups before a knockout phase. The United States should face Spain and Slovakia in Group C.


2:35 p.m.

A baseball game in San Francisco between the Giants and Oakland Athletics has been canceled due to the virus epidemic.

Bay Area teams were scheduled to play at Oracle Park on March 24. It was two days before the start of the Major League Baseball regular season.

The announcement came on Wednesday after the mayor of San Francisco banned gatherings of 1,000 or more people.

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