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Russian lawmakers approve changes to let Putin stay in power until 2036



The two chambers of the Russian parliament overwhelmingly supported the constitutional changes allowing Vladimir Putin to run for president again in 2024 on Wednesday.

The amendment could keep Putin in power until 2036 if he won and served two more terms as president, making him the ruler of Russia for 36 years, the longest in modern history.

Putin, 67, dominated the Kremlin for two decades as president or prime minister, making him the country's longest-serving ruler since Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.

A former KGB officer, Putin, is required by the constitution to resign in 2024, when his second consecutive presidential term and his fourth in total end.


The Kremlin-controlled lower house, the 450-seat State Duma, approved a package of amendments to the Russian constitution, including a provision that resets the number of terms for Putin once the revisions are adopted . The lower house adopted the amendments with 383 votes. No one voted against the amendments.

All the amendments then passed through the upper house, the Federation Council, by a vote of 160-1 with three abstentions.

The package of amendments is yet to go through the Constitutional Court and a national vote for the package of amendments on April 22. The review by the Constitutional Court is widely regarded as a formality.

"Vladimir Vladimirovich must have the right to run in new competitive national elections," said Valentina Matviyenko, president of the upper house, according to Reuters.


"Whether or not he exercises this right in 2024 depends on him, of course, but he must have the right. … We must recognize what has been done by Vladimir Vladimirovoch Putin for the development of the country over the past 20 years. He raised the country from his knees. "

However, opposition activists have said they plan to hold demonstrations as early as Friday. Their plans were complicated by a Moscow government ordinance banning public gatherings of more than 5,000 people until April 10 due to the risk of coronavirus.

Putin remains popular with his constituents, many of whom see him as a source of stability, although some complain that he has been in power for too long.

After serving two consecutive four-year terms, the limit defined in the current constitution, Putin in 2008 passed to the seat of the Prime Minister. The close ally Dmitry Medvedev became president of the placeholder. Under Medvedev, the presidency was extended to six years and, in 2012, Putin returned to the Kremlin as president. In 2018, he was re-elected for six years.

Putin has faced a number of international crises during his tenure. The annexation of Crimea in 2014 boosted its approval rate, which has remained high despite economic hardship and sanctions from the West.

If the amendment is adopted, Putin's term of office would be zero and he would be able to stand for two additional six-year terms. Putin supported the amendment on Tuesday, stressing above all the need for stability in Russia.

"The president is a guarantor of the security of our state, of its internal stability and of its evolutionary development," said Mr. Putin. "We have had enough revolutions."


Other constitutional changes in the amendments strengthen the presidency and give priority to Russian law over international standards, reflecting the Kremlin's irritation towards the European Court of Human and Human Rights other international bodies which have often delivered verdicts against Russia. The changes also prohibit same-sex marriage and mention "belief in God" as one of the traditional values ​​of Russia.

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