Alberta now has 19 cases of COVID-19, all related to travel
Alberta has reported five new cases of COVID-19, bringing the total number in the province to 19, according to health officials.
The 19 cases are related to travel, the province's chief medical officer of health said Wednesday, hours after the World Health Organization officially declared the global epidemic of the disease as a pandemic.
"This is an important designation that reflects the severity of this virus," said Dr. Deena Hinshaw in his latest update. "COVID-19 is not like the other threats we have seen in recent decades. It is more serious than the seasonal flu or the 2009 H1 pandemic, and it is more contagious than viruses like SARS . "
Hinshaw said one of the new cases involved an Edmonton man in his thirties who returned from an international trip and started to experience symptoms.
Man was treated on March 6 and 7 at Misericordia hospital for an unrelated condition, she said, before he tested positive for COVID-19 on March 9. March. It is now self-insulating. There is no risk to patients or hospital staff at the moment.
"I want to be clear that there is no need for anyone who has attended Misericordia or any other hospital site to be concerned or to take further action," said Hinshaw. "Anyone considered to be at risk is directly contacted by Alberta Health Services. If you are not contacted by AHS, you are not at risk at this time."
The other new cases in the province involved a man in his twenties and two women in his thirties from the Calgary area and a woman in his thirties from the central Alberta area.
The five new cases involved people who returned after traveling to Iran, Egypt, Spain, Mexico and the United States.
Although the 19 cases reported in Alberta so far have involved people who have recently traveled outside the country, Hinshaw said the province can expect to see some cases spread throughout the province. .
The province's testing capacity has increased in recent days, said Hinshaw. As of Wednesday, the province had 2,619 tests, including almost 1,000 on Tuesday alone.
"The lab does a wonderful job," said Hinshaw. "The laboratory continually makes adjustments to make things more efficient."
Tom McMillan, a spokesperson for Alberta Health, said Wednesday that the province would also expand its testing to include some patients who had already been tested for the flu.
"We are performing Alberta flu network sampling tests from today," McMillan said in an email. "These are samples taken from people who have been previously tested for influenza or other non-COVID diseases."
Advice to travelers is expanding
The rapidly changing global situation, she said, all travelers who returned from Italy in the past two weeks must now isolate themselves for 14 days, said Hinshaw.
All travelers returning to Alberta from anywhere outside of Canada should consider limiting participation at any large public gathering, said Hinshaw.
"We also currently recommend that anyone over the age of 65 and people with chronic conditions do not travel outside of Canada, as global risk is increasing rapidly and it is difficult to predict which destinations can endanger people. "
"Even Albertans who are not among these at-risk groups should think carefully about their travel plans and the possibility that they may be exposed to the virus while traveling."
The risks posed by mass rallies are being overseen by a special advisory committee made up of public health officials across the country, said Hinshaw.
"At the moment, there is no evidence of community spread in the province," she said. "All of our cases have been travel related. Again, at this time, our measures are adequate to protect Albertans and we are doing very serious evaluations to determine when this might change."
So far, the 14 confirmed cases in Alberta have been travel-related, said Hinshaw, which means health officials see no evidence of the spread of disease in the province.
On Wednesday, as WHO officials declared a global pandemic, the number of people infected worldwide exceeded 120,000 and the number of deaths exceeded 4,300.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO, said that the word pandemic is not one that health officials use lightly.
Canada recorded more than 90 cases on Tuesday, including the death of an elderly man in British Columbia. In Italy, the number of cases has exceeded 10,000, with more than 600 deaths. The United States now has more than 1,000 cases, with pockets of epidemics on both sides of the country.
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