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UPDATE: Positive virus test at St. Joe's in Warren, more details | News, Sports, Jobs



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WARREN – Mercy Health St. Joseph Warren Hospital treated a patient who tested positive for the new coronavirus, COVID-19.

Hospital officials do not disclose any patient information due to privacy concerns.

With the brief announcement from the hospital around 5 p.m. As of Wednesday, Ohio has five confirmed cases of people with the virus – three identified in Cuyahoga County, one in Stark County and one in Trumbull.

Governor Mike DeWine announced on Wednesday the fourth case of the virus identified in Ohio: a 53-year-old man in Stark County treated at the Mercy Health Medical Center. He was identified as the first victim of community spread.

Spread into the community means people who have contracted the virus without going to a place where the virus has been identified.

"It was not unexpected," said DeWine.

According to Joe Fauve, hospital spokesperson, St. Joe’s should adopt new protocols for visitors, as well as alternative care sites.

"We follow safety protocols every time we take care of a patient. In this case, we followed the advice provided by the Centers for Disease Control and the Ohio Department of Health to minimize exposure to other patients and our associates, "he said. in a press release. "We have followed CDC cleaning protocols and St. Joseph Warren Hospital remains a safe place to seek care."

Robert Pinti, Warren's deputy health commissioner, said that the epidemology that needs to be performed on the patient is underway.

"Residents should follow the procedures you have seen on local news and in the newspapers," said Pinti. "Thorough and frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers, social distancing, staying at home when you feel sick, etc. "


Meanwhile, the Jewish Federation of the Youngstown area said in an email that a member of the staff of the federation had recently attended a conference which was also attended by a few people tested positive for COVID- 19.

"This staff member is asymptomatic and has not been in direct contact with anyone who has been found to be positive. A personal physician, the state health council, and the county health council were consulted. Everyone agrees that the risk to this person is low. However, with great caution, this person remains at home, ”said the federation.

Its agencies are the Youngstown Jewish Community Center, Jewish Family Services, the Heritage Manor Rehabilitation and Retirement Community and the Levy Gardens Assisted Living.

The agency said it had improved cleaning / disinfection practices and was following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Ohio Department of Health, the Mahoning County District Board of Health, Trumbull County Health Department and the Columbiana County Health Department. .


Southern Park Mall in Boardman said it has also increased the frequency and intensity of already stringent cleaning and sanitation practices

These include the frequency and intensity of cleaning and sanitation practices, including periodic disinfection of the areas most sensitive to the spread of germs. This includes play areas, public restrooms, rental strollers and wheelchairs, doorknobs, dining tables and other common contact points.

The mall has increased housekeeping staff, especially during peak times, and has dispensers of alcohol-based hand sanitizers located in high-traffic areas and aisles for alcohol 39; public use.

But: "Based on the advice of medical experts in infectious diseases, sick clients and employees are encouraged to stay at home and avoid close contact with others."

The Youngstown and Mahoning County Public Library said that all of the libraries are currently operating on normal hours and without large-scale change in programming. High traffic areas, such as doorknobs, keyboards and elevator buttons, are cleaned frequently throughout the day. All areas of the library are cleaned by a professional cleaning team every 24 hours.

Items such as costumes, soft-sided toys, puzzles, and board games that cannot be easily disinfected are temporarily removed from public spaces.

For more information on Ohio's response to COVID-19, visit or call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH.

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