Prime Minister of Ireland calls for huge sacrifices as schools and universities close due to coronavirus

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar announced tough measures to slow the spread of Covid-19 on … [+]
Topline: Ireland is the last European country to impose strict restrictions in an effort to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, with the government closing all schools and universities and calling for restrictions on social gatherings until at the end of March.
- Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar announced the series of restrictive measures at a press conference on Thursday, which will take effect Thursday evening and run until March 29.
- Schools, universities and daycare centers will be closed from Friday and teaching will be done remotely. Cultural buildings such as museums will also be closed.
- Employees are encouraged to work from home, while breaks and working hours should be staggered to avoid personal contact, he said.
- Social gatherings are also limited, while indoor events of more than 100 people and outdoor events of more than 500 people should be canceled. Social gatherings should also be restricted outside of work.
- Restaurants and bars can remain open, as can shops, while efforts to reduce impacts on supply chains will be stepped up, said Varadkar.
Crucial quote: More people will fall ill and, unfortunately, we are facing the tragic reality that people could die, said Varadkar on Thursday. He recognized that the measures asked people to make huge sacrifices and big changes in their daily lives.
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Key context: Italy has applied the most extreme measures to contain the virus, effectively detaining its 60 million inhabitants and encouraging non-essential businesses to close. As the number of cases increases in Europe, governments and central banks are now taking action to limit the longer-term impacts of the pandemic. Seniors and those with underlying health conditions are most at risk, and many of these measures are in place to reduce the risk of spread to the most vulnerable. Most people will experience mild symptoms, said Varadkar.
Authorities in Beijing announced Thursday that all international travelers will be placed in a 14-day quarantine. The move comes after massive lockdowns, and travel restrictions have slowed the spread of the pneumonia-like virus to China, where the outbreak is believed to originate.
Tangent: Asian, European and American stocks plunged on Thursday after President Donald Trump introduced a travel ban for citizens of 26 European countries. Ireland and the United Kingdom are not on this list.
In numbers: To date, there have been over 115,000 Covid-19 infections, including more than 22,000 Thursday in the EU. Ireland has 43 confirmed cases, while the neighboring UK has more than 10 times this number.
To monitor: UK to hold emergency meeting on Thursday after which Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to announce that the UK will move into a lag phase, which means that social distancing measures could be imposed in the next few days to slow the spread of Covid-19.
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