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The global displaced population amounts to 100 million

The global displaced population amounts to 100 million


For the first time in modern history, the number of people forcibly displaced from their homes worldwide reached 100 million, announced the United Nations on Monday.

What you need to know

  • The number of people forcibly displaced from their homes worldwide reached 100 million announced the United Nations on Monday
  • “The figures reported by the United Nations represent those who have been forced to flee conflict, violence, human rights abuses and persecution.”
  • This year’s war in Ukraine pushed the number of displaced individuals above a record 100 million
  • The figure of 100 million includes refugees and asylum seekers, as well as people displaced within their countries by the conflict.

The number of individuals forcibly displaced by the conflict began to increase to 90 million by the end of 2021, with the vast majority coming from countries in Africa, including Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Myanmar and Afghanistan also had high numbers of forcibly displaced individuals, according to the United Nations.

One hundred million is a grim figure that sober and alarming to the same extent. It is a record that should never have been set, Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, wrote in a statement. This should serve as a wake-up call to resolve and prevent devastating conflicts, end persecution, and address the root causes that force innocent people to flee their homes.

While people may be forced to flee their homes due to natural disasters, the numbers reported by the United Nations represent those forced to flee conflict, violence, human rights violations and persecution.

As of early May, nearly 2 million people had been displaced by rapidly growing Islamic extremist violence in Burkina Faso, according to the UN When it came to power in January, Burkina Faso’s ruling junta vowed to end extremist violence, but it has done little for swelling the number of displaced.

In January, 160,000 people were newly relocated, the second-largest monthly increase in three years, according to a report by international aid groups. Strongly hit areas like the North Central region, which hosts the largest displaced population in Burkina Faso, are bending under pressure.

About 700,000 Afghans were forced to flee their homes last year. according to the UNadding to the 5.5 million already displaced over the past few years.

The ongoing crisis in Afghanistan is intensifying humanitarian needs and increasing the risks of displacement both within the country and across borders in countries in the region, said in early February Ugochi Daniels, deputy director general of the International Organization for Migration for Operations.

This year’s war in Ukraine pushed the number of displaced individuals over a record 100 million, representing approximately 1% of the total global population. To date, over 6.5 million people have fled Ukraine as refugees and another 8 million are likely to be internally displaced due to the war.

The figure of 100 million includes refugees and asylum seekers, as well as internally displaced people due to the conflict, a figure that the Center for Internal Displacement Monitoring recently estimated at 53.2 million UNCHR said in a statement.

To reverse this trend, the only answer is peace and stability, so that innocent people are not forced to play between acute danger at home or unsafe escape and exile, Grandi said.

The agency will publish a full report of global trends on forced relocations in mid-June, which will include regional breakdowns of forced migration patterns and possible tailored solutions.

UNHCR data from November 2021 found that two-thirds of all global refugees came from just five countries: the Syrian Arab Republic, Venezuela, Afghanistan, South Sudan and Myanmar. About 42% of the total displaced persons, who at that time were about 84 million, were children under the age of 18.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.




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