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Covid-19 reports: Over 90,000 cases in Tamil Nadu, Bihar exceeds 10,000 brands – india news


Three months after the start of the first phase of the Covid-19 blockade, the number of cases in the country is close to 600,000. On Wednesday, the national number jumped to 585,493 with the addition of 18,653 fresh Covid-19 cases while the only one-day high jump of 507 Covid-19 disasters that pushed the death toll in India to 17,400.

Maharashtra continues to struggle with the largest number of coronavirus cases in the country with over 1.7 people infected with the spider while the second with the weakest hit, Tamil Nadu, is growing towards a spider brand with over 90,000 cases of Covid-19 . In Bihar, coronavirus infections have exceeded 10,000.

With over 87,000 Covid-19 cases in the national capital, Delhi ranks third, followed by Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.

Read also: Prime Minister Modi reviews preparations for large-scale Covid-19 vaccination exercises

Here we take a look at the state of Covid-19 infections across the country.


The Covid-19 state rose to 174,761 on Wednesday. Over 90,911 people have been cured of coronavirus in Maharashtra while 7,855 have died.

Tamil Nadu

With 90,167 cases of coronavirus, Tamil Nadu is the country with the highest cases of coronavirus in the country and has witnessed 1,201 coronavirus fatalities. The number of patients who have been cured of coronavirus in the state is 50,074.


The national capital is the third most hit in India with coronavirus cases dropping to 87,360 on Wednesday. About 58,348 patients have recovered from Covid-19 in Delhi and 2,742 have been infected.


Gujarat has seen Covid-19 cases in 32,557 on Wednesday. The state has seen 23,662 people recovering from coronavirus while 1,846 people have died.

Uttar Pradesh

The Covid-19 toad in Uttar Pradesh jumped to 23,492 while the number of recoveries reached 16,084. The death toll from the state is 697.

Western Bengal

About 18,559 people have contracted Covid-19 in West Bengal to date. The state has seen 12,130 recovered from coronavirus while 668 people have been killed.


The state has reported 18,014 Covid-19 cases to date. The death toll in Covid-19 in Rajasthan is 413 while 14,220 patients have recovered.


The Covid-19 state report stands at 16339 cases of coronavirus. While 7,294 people have recovered from the disease, the number of Covid-19 deaths has risen to 260 in the state.


The state has witnessed 15,224 cases of coronavirus so far as two hundred and forty-six people have lost their lives in the deadly climb in the state. Nearly 8,000 patients have recovered from the disease in Karnataka.


The coronavirus in Haryana has affected 14,548 while the death toll is 236. Over 9,900 people have recovered from the Haryana infection.

The situation in other states

Over 13,500 people have been infected with coronavirus in Madhya Pradesh to date. While the death toll from the state stands at 572, over 10,395 people have been cured or discharged from hospitals.

Andhra Pradesh has 14,595 Covid-19 patients. The number of positive cases of Covid-19 in Bihar exceeded the 10,000 mark on Wednesday, while the ratio in Jammu and Kashmir stands at 7,497.

In Odisha, cases have jumped to 7,065 while Assam has reported 8,227 cases to date. The number of Punjab reports in Covid-19 stands at 5,568, and the number of cases in Kerala is 4,442.

States with less than 3,000 cases

Uttarakhand, Ladakh, Jharkhand, Tripura, Manipur, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Puducherry, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu have less than 3,000 but more than 500 cases of Covid-19.

Mizoram, Chandigarh, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh have reported less than 500 Covid-19 cases or less. States such as Meghalaya, Sikkim and Andaman and Nicobar Islands have less than 100 Covid-19 cases.

Note: The figures are from official data released by the Ministry of Health, and may differ from real-time numbers issued by various government governments, subject to confirmation by the Center.

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