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Global report: US reports another record increase in coronavirus cases | US News


United States again reported a record one-day increase in coronavirus cases on Tuesday, with 44,358 new cases of confirmed coronavirus in the country, according to the coronavirus database Covid Tracking Project, while infections are on the rise across the country, which is most affected worldwide in terms of cases and deaths.

The U.S. has more than 2.6 million cases and accounts for approximately one in four known deaths worldwide, with the number of countries currently at 127,410. There are approximately 10.5 million cases globally, with infections increasing by about 150,000 in the last 24 hours alone, to 10,450,628. The global death toll is 510,632.

Brazil with the highest cases and deaths outside the US, recorded 1,280 more deaths on Tuesday, bringing the confirmed death toll to nearly 60,000, with a total currently at 59,594, according to the health ministry. The total number of confirmed cases is 1,402,041.

in tweetThe Covid Prosecution Project said the 7-day U.S. average for new daily cases has doubled since June 13 and that hospitals in the country have grown the most since April 21.

It marks the fourth time in a week that the country has posted a one-day record, according to New York Times, who said new cases in the U.S. had increased by 80% within two weeks.

Sunday CNN reported that cases were on the rise in 36 U.S. states, with only two reports in Connecticut and Rhode Island reporting declines in their daily infections.

The rise came as Dr Anthony Fauci, the leading U.S. expert on infectious diseases, issued a stern warning to senators on Tuesday’s health, education, labor and pension committee. Fauci said the country could see 100,000 new cases of coronavirus each day, unless action is taken to reverse the epidemic.

The U.S. has bought almost all of its remdesivir reserves for the next three months, leaving no one in the UK, Europe or much of the world. The treatment is one of two proven to work against Covid-19.

South KoreaYonhap News Agency reported while the drug has just started to be used in the most severe cases of coronavirus by doctors there.

Other key developments in pandemics include:

  • The UN has warned that the pandemic has taken on a much larger number of jobs than previously feared, and that the situation in America is particularly dire. In a new study, the International Labor Organization estimates that by the middle of the year, the global work schedule had dropped by 14% compared to last December – equivalent to about 400 million full-time jobs.

  • New Zeland reported a second day in a row that there were no new cases of Covid-19, according to health officials. There are 22 active cases, all of these travelers returning to the country. There is no known transmission of the virus community in New Zealand.

  • Victoria State, Australia, who has been battling to control a recent coronavirus outbreak, recorded another 73 Covid-19 cases on Wednesday. This is the fifth day in a row that Covid cases have been reported within a day of the onset of pandemics.

  • in Japan, Disneyland Tokyo reopened today with limited entertainment and shorter hours, after four months closed due to coronavirus pandemic. Measures including temperature controls, masks and distance are in place.

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