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Community quarantine in hopes of containing COVID-19. How does it differ from a lock?


Metro Manila closed
Passengers wear protective masks while waiting at Araneta center bus station in Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines, March 13, 2020, following the announcement by President Rodrigo Duterte of a travel ban in the capital of the Philippines. (Reuters / Adrian Portugal)

President Rodrigo Duterte yesterday said about 30 30 days as he raised Code Red Sublevel 2 on the metropolitan region of Manila, causing movement restrictions which are assimilated to a locking of the urbanized and populated region.

The move is part of government action to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which has so far resulted in five deaths and 47 other confirmed cases in the country.

Part of the heightened alert is the tightened restriction all land, air and sea travel to and from Metro Manila for 30 days, from March 15 to April 14, 2020.

Secretary of the Interior and Local Government Eduardo Ao addressed concerns of affected workers who live Metro Manila, which are provinces on the outskirts of the capital such as Bulacan, Rizal and Cavite.

They are still allowed to enter and work in the capital, provided they present their identity card as proof to the authorities of the checkpoints designated to enter and work there.

"Papayagan‘ yong mga magtatrabaho na pumasok provided the ID lang na mayroon lang silang. Mayroon lang magpapatunay na ang work nila has dito in Metro Manila, ”Ao Told DZMM radio.

Duterte assured the public that the provisions of this resolution will be assessed daily on a case-by-case basis. Inter-agency working group for the management of emerging infectious diseases.

This organization is responsible for managing and controlling the spread of emerging infectious diseases such as COVID-19 in the country.

Community lockdown and quarantine

Although the term lockdown was not used to describe the situation, some local news agencies have used it in their reports, citing the president, who himself admitted that even if his staff refused to use the term, it was actually a lock.

"We don't want to use this (term). But it's a lockdown, "said Duterte in a television ad last night.

This triggered more questions.

Before the press briefing, there were also copies of a resolution on an impending lockout doing tricks on social media.

Screen capture by Interaksyon

Lockdown refers to to an emergency measure or condition in which people are temporarily prevented from entering or leaving a restricted area or building (such as a school) during a threat of danger.

It is often used in schools, hospitals and other communal places as protocols to protect them from bombings, active fire and other types of crises.

Locking is also generally associated with prisoners, DILG spokespersons Jonathan Malaya told mebecause it means that people are confined to one area and are not allowed to leave.

Quarantine, meanwhile, is the word often used to describe contagious medical diseases.

Merriam-Webster said quarantine is a hindrance to the activities or communication of persons or to the transport of goods aimed at preventing the spread of diseases or parasites.

In the case of Metro Manilas, so-called community quarantine or at least regional quarantine is considered to be a milder or lenient form of foreclosure.

Duterte himself also considered this lock in a sense.

Ayaw namin gamitin yan perokasi takot kayo sabihin lockdown. And it's a lock. There is no power struggle here, the transcript of his speech Lily.

Part of the declaration on Code Red Sublevel 2 read:

To be clear, and to allay public fears and apprehensions, the government is essentially calling for stricter implementation of preventive measures to slow and stop the spread of COVID-19. foreclosure is seen by some as a valid preventive measure; current circumstances do not justify such an extreme measure.

Several countries already have their own versions of a lock. These included Denmark, Ireland, Scandinavia, Italy and the city of Wuhan in China, where the outbreak began.

Other questions asked on social media

Even though Metro Manila workers living in neighboring provinces are allowed to enter, another concern has been raised online: to what extent are the authorities able to monitor thousands of workers from neighboring provinces on a daily basis during the period of quarantine.

Professional critic Heckler projected that it would be a higher-level carmaggedon.

GMA reporter Atom Araullo said it could be a nightmare, citing nearly 15 million Filipinos who go to work in the morning.

Duterte only mentioned specific instructions for government employees. Homework arrangements are only encouraged in the private sector and not enforced.

The flexible work arrangement Ito namang will also be encouraged in the private sector, Duterte told me.

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