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Suspected Rideau Hall interlocutor mentions the need for wake-up call on paper: sources – National


The military reservist who allegedly attacked Rideau Hall land last week with multiple firearms wrote a two-page letter, which sources say included personal financial matters and government complaints, including references to his actions by sending a wake-up call and fear Canada was falling into communist dictatorship.

Corey Hurren, a 46-year-old military reserve from Manitoba, was arrested by police on July 2 after allegedly using a vehicle he feared would be republished soon to hit the gates of Rideau Hall and go in search of Prime Minister Justin. Trudeau with some firearms in hand.

The CAF member was charged with 22 counts of violating Rideau Hall security

The CAF member was charged with 22 counts of violating Rideau Hall security

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Corey Hurren, suspected Rideau Hall intervener, threatened Trudeau: RCMP officer

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He faces 22 charges related to imposing threats and acts of firearms.

Sources say Global News authorities are evaluating all options as officials investigate a possible motive, including the possibility that Hurren was seeking a violent attack or suicide by police.

According to a source who shared the contents of the letter to Global News and sources in numerous government agencies who confirmed its contents, Hurren identified himself on paper and apologized to his family and friends, and said he feared for the future. the country.

He wrote that he did not see any other possibility and said that the defenders want to continue living with pain.

He said he feared the country was turning into a communist dictatorship under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

He went on to say that he feared that the suspension of Parliament due to the continued pandemic of coronavirus was creating a lack of responsibility for the government.

RCMP unable to release full details of armed incident at Rideau Hall

RCMP able to release full details of armed incident at Rideau Hall

Hurren, who had recently lost his job, described on paper his fear that he would not be able to return to his feet after the pandemic ended.

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He also worried that his truck would be republished and that without access to transport, he would no longer be able to work with Canadian Rangers.

The military reserve force patrols remote regions in northern Canada.

He also described fears of another year spent under house arrest due to pandemic restrictions.

Hurrenwrote, which he also had at Ottawa on Canada Day, tried to enter the War Museum, which was closed, the source said.

He then said he hopes his children understand his actions.

He ended up saying he didn’t want to end up like his father.

Sources tell Global News that Hurren wrote the letter to his manager with Canadian Rangers along with an apology and said he was in Ottawa.

He called Ranger 911 and would later provide information to police negotiators during a nearly two-hour confrontation with Hurren as he was stationed at the bases of the Rideau Hall and before being taken into custody.

The RCMP deputy commissioner provides details on the incident of Rideau Hall’s armed violation

The RCMP deputy commissioner provides details on the incident of Rideau Hall’s armed violation

© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

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