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India arrests South Korean CEO, 11 others for gas leaks at LG Polymers


CHENNAI Indian police have arrested 12 LG Polymers officials, including South Korean Executive Chief Sunkey Jeong, an official said Wednesday, two months after a gas leak at an Indian chemical plant south of the company killed 12 people.

The arrests were made in a case of alleged murders against the company, a South Korean LG Chem Ltd unit, and its officials, who survived the May 7 riots in the port city of Visakhapatnam, the city said police commissioner Rajiv Kumar Meena.

“A total of twelve members, including the CEO and two directors, were arrested on Tuesday evening,” Meena said, adding that among those arrested were two directors, one of whom was a South Korean.

LG Polymers said there was nothing to share in an email responding to a Reuters request for a comment on the arrests.

Toxic gas has leaked from the chemical plant destroying many people who slept.

This week, a government-appointed committee recommended that the plant be moved away from human habitation and that action be taken against senior employees. She said LG Polymers had been negligent and warning systems were not working.

The company had ignored potentially dangerous chemical reactions at the plant in April before the leak, when it was working with reduced staff due to a coronavirus blockage, the committee said.

Temperatures within three deposits holding styrene monomer, a liquid used to make polystyrene products, rose to more than six times the allowable level, after which it evaporated, the committee found.

LG Chem Ltd said Monday it had co-operated with the investigation and would respond to the poll result and take appropriate action.

The police case included charges of murder, careless handling of poisonous substances and causing damage and endangering public life.

Meena said the charges could lead to prison sentences of up to eight years if tried in court.

(Report by Sudarshan Varadhan; Edited by Sanjeev Miglani, Robert Birsel and Christian Schmollinger)

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