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China aims to dominate everything from 5G to social media – but will it be?



Shenzhen is one of China’s innovation hubs, especially when it comes to telecommunications equipment.


An economic power plant pummeled by coronavirus. A main trading partner. A competitive threat. An authoritarian government ready for it censor its citizens and violate their human rights. China bears many labels depending on who – or when – you search. But one thing is clear it is the most populous country in the world and the second largest economy has been steadily developing into a technological power plant that has the potential to raise the status quo.

China, once simply a manufacturer of freight goods, has been on a mission to become a supplier of high-tech products, everything from electric vehicles to smartphones and 5G devices, part of a 10-year plan called Made in China 2025. The ultimate goal is to use the country’s full resources to capture – and ultimately overtake – the West in various technological fields, a move White House has said it “threatens not only the US economy, but also the global economy as a whole.”

China’s growing power is a source of concern because critics say the country relies on everything online espionage of reverse engineering and theft of intellectual property to achieve its goals, which has prompted multi-year trade dispute between President Donald Trump’s administration and the Chinese government. That’s why the world’s largest smartphone maker, Huawei, is an unknown virtual after being embarrassed by the US government.

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The Chinese generation is a series of CNETs looking at technology fields where the country is seeking to take a leading position.

Brett Pearce / CNET

Throwing a key in the works has been the influence of the coronavirus novel, which initially shut down significant parts of China before destroying the rest of the world. The U.S. is not yet able to take control of the rate of new infections as the death toll reaches 130,000, casting doubt on what the investment in new technology looks like in the coming months.

It is with that nuanced and complex background that CNET presents Generation China, a series of stories that look at the different areas of technology in which the country aims to dominate, all from artificial intelligence and 5G, with more Chinese consumers who buy next-generation smartphones than anywhere else in the world. growing of TikTok has for the first time made China a global player on social media, with the US even considering banning the service here.

While we will not delve too deeply into the ever-changing policy between the US and China, the stories will look at how the work to develop these technologies informs the dynamics between these two nations.

And, to be clear, it’s a dynamic that isn’t as simple as the two rivals that bring it out. In many ways, the two countries also depend on each other.

There is no doubt about competition in the AI ​​and 5G space, but also cooperation in many areas, “said Sandy Shen, an analyst at Gartner, who noted that multinational companies have research centers and laboratories in China where locals contribute to global projects.

Our first story is a perfect example of this, throwing holes in the so-called arms race between the US and China for the development of artificial intelligence. A closer look reveals that it is less a race and more years of bending over each other for progress, with only the tension of recent years fostering a divergence.

In the coming weeks, the series will address controversy over Huawei and China’s place in the smartphone market, the rise of TikTok as a social media hub, the likelihood that China will tighten its version, tightly controlled the Internet and more.

They are worth reading. Because no matter what you think of China, it’s a country with technology that you can’t ignore anymore.

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