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The US rejects the report of UN experts calling the murder Qasem Soleimani ‘illegal’ – National


A report by a United Nations expert calling the January US drone strike that killed top Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and nine others a violation of international law is being called a “fraud” by US officials who continue to protect the deadly operation.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement on Thursday that the Trump administration opposes the report, which was presented to the Human Rights Council earlier that day by Agnes Callamard, the UN special rapporteur on legal, summary or arbitrary executions.

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The report, which calls for responsibility for killings targeted by armed drones and for greater gun regulation, says the drone strike violated the UN Charter. The council will debate which actions should be followed based on Callamard’s findings.

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The United States abandoned the council two years ago, and Pompeo’s statement said the report provided “more reason to distrust the UN’s human rights mechanisms.”

“Ms. Callamards’ conclusions are compelling,” he said, explaining that the strike was aimed at preventing Iran from further antagonizing US forces and interests in the Middle East after a series of escalating armed attacks “in previous months.”

“The United States is transparent about the basis of international strike law,” he added, adding that it was committed “in exercising the inherent right to self-defense of the United States.”

However, Callamard said the U.S. did not provide evidence of a imminent attack against the U.S. or its interests that would be carried out by Soleimani.

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His murder was therefore considered “arbitrary,” Callamard said, in violation of international law.

“Major General Soleimaniwas is responsible for Iran’s military strategy and actions in Syria and Iraq. But in the absence of an immediate threat to life, the course of action taken by the United States was illegal,” Callamard wrote in the report.

Iran issues arrest warrants for Trump, 35 others over Qassem Soleimani’s death

Iran issues arrest warrants for Trump, 35 others over Qassem Soleimani’s death

Soleimani, the leader of the Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guard, was an essential figure in orchestrating Iran’s campaign to oust US forces from Iraq and built Iran’s network of armies with representatives throughout the Middle East.

Washington had accused Soleimanioff of leading attacks by Iranian line militants against US forces in the region.

The drone attack on January 3 was the first known incident in which a nation called for self-defense as an excuse for an attack on a state actor in the territory of a third country, Callamard added.

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Soleimani Murder: A look at the Trump administration’s evolutionary explanations

Iran retaliated with a rocket attack on an Iraqi air base where US forces were stationed. Hours later, high-alert Iranian forces mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian passenger plane taking off from Tehran.

Iran has issued an arrest warrant for US President Donald Trump and 35 others over Soleiman’s assassination and has asked Interpol for help, Tehran prosecutor Ali Alqasimehr said on June 29, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.

With files from Reuters

© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

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