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Indian police kill a notorious bandit suspected of killing officers | World news


Police have killed one of India’s most wanted criminals a day after his arrest, sparking allegations of an unofficial murder.

Officials said Vikas Dubey, who was arrested for the murder of eight police officers, was shot as he tried to escape from a police vehicle while heading to his hometown in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.

Within hours of television stations bearing figures of his body lying in the hospital, lawyers and rights activists claimed that police had killed Dubey to prevent him from revealing his connections to powerful people.

This is the sharpest case of extrajudicial killings, wrote the lawyer of the supreme court, Prashant Bhushan, on Twitter. Dubey was a gangster terrorist who may have deserved to die. But police (Uttar Pradesh) killed him to shut up.

Utsav Bains, another Supreme Court lawyer, asked: Will we allow the police to kill anyone without a trial?

And senior opposition Congress party leader Priyanka Gandhi said the people defending Dubey were still free and called for a judicial inquiry into the murder.

Dubey, about 50 years old, was charged with more than 60 counts of murder, attempted murder and other crimes. He allegedly shot dead a Uttar Pradesh state minister inside a police station in 2001.

Despite those cases and his reputation for ruthlessness, Dubey had established significant local political ties over the past two decades.

On July 3, eight officers were shot dead when his gang was ambushed by a police team who were trying to arrest him. A nationwide search was launched, during which five of Dubai’s accomplices, including his bodyguard’s nephew, were killed.

Police said Dubey had been notified of the impending attack by local officers, some of whom had been arrested for leaking information to him. Dubey withdrew to a temple in the state of Madhya Pradesh on Thursday.

According to the police account, the car transporting him early Friday overturned on a wet road in Uttar Pradesh and he tried to escape.

Dubey was killed in an exchange of fire after he snatched our people’s pistol and tried to flee after firing at them. Four of our men were also injured, Canpur Police Inspector General Mohit Agarwal told reporters.

Police guard the overturned vehicle after the fatal shooting.

Police guard the overturned vehicle after the fatal shooting. Photo: AFP / Getty Images

Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath, who is a senior member of the Narendra Modis Bharatiya Janata party, has publicly acknowledged police killings as a crime prevention.

The Adityanaths government has pledged to get rid of the crime by the state and its mandate has coincided with an increase in the number of criminals dying in police shootings.

Murder meetings have a long history in India. For decades they set in motion to bypass India’s judicial system when police fought armed separatist movements in the West Bank, Punjab, Kashmir and elsewhere.

History repeats itself, Nirjhari Sinha, a civil rights leader from the western Gujarat state, tweeted in response to Dubai’s death. Dead gangs cannot talk about their political patronage.

Recently, suspects accused of violent crimes have died in custody.

Last year, police in southern India shot dead four men accused of raping and killing a 27-year-old woman.

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