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World Veterinary Day: Impacts on Mental Health

World Veterinary Day: Impacts on Mental Health
World Veterinary Day: Impacts on Mental Health


April 29 is World Veterinary Day – a time to recognize the lifesaving work done by vets around the world. But, Did you know that one in six vets have considered suicide??

Aviva Vincent, Ph.D., an assistant professor at Syracuse University’s Falk College, studies veterinary social work, and she has some thoughts ahead of World Veterinary Day (see below). If you would like to schedule an interview with her, you can contact Vanessa Marquette, media relations specialist, at [email protected].

Aviva Vincent, Ph.D of Syracuse University, writes:
“Not One More Vet is an organization with a mission to end Veterinary Suicide. A common assumption about the daily experience of veterinary professionals is that they play with animals all day. While this assumption has elements of truth, it is not the full picture of what goes on every day behind closed doors. Veterinary teams are challenged with the routine care of small and large animals to challenging cases, terminal diagnoses and euthanasia. From working with pets to production animals, veterinary professionals often experience a roller coaster of emotions. Unsurprisingly, there are many challenges facing the veterinary community that cause workforce shortages from individuals leaving the field due to burnout or financial reasons, retirement, and sadly death by suicide.

The International Association of Veterinary Social Work noted that the field of Veterinary Medicine has been in high demand with the increase in domesticated pets throughout the pandemic. However, there are not enough professionals entering this field to meet the demand and sustain the professional industry. Compounding this challenge, vets are leaving after being burned out, verbally abused and threatened by clients. As stressors increase and awareness of the field’s mental health needs increases, IAVSW and NOMV are creating resources and initiatives to support vets’ mental health and intentionally partnering with social workers. Vets, support staff, mental health providers, pet parents and others are realizing how essential, compassionate and strong vets are. A list of some initiatives are:
1. International Association of Veterinary Social Work
2. Certificate in Veterinary Social Work at the University of Tennessee- Knoxville
3. Not one more vet
4. Shanti project
5. Come to VMC
6. Hope Veterinary Foundation
7. MentorVet”

This is also worth nothing April 30 is Shelter Pet Adoption Day. If more people adopt pets, instead of buying them, could that help the mental health of our vets? According to Best Friends Animal Society, “These high-volume breeding operations add more animals to the national pet population each year than are killed in shelters each year and are one of the most significant contributing factors to shelter populations.” It doesn’t help vets who are already short-staffed either.




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