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Death of BJP MLA a suicide case says police in Bengal, BJP seek CBI investigation – india news


The West Bengal government on Tuesday claimed that Bharatiya Party lawmaker Janata Devendra Nath Roy – whose death sparked a massive political row in West Bengal with the saffron party claiming he had been killed – had committed suicide.

“Police suspect it was a suicide case. We will take the investigation until its logical conclusion. There will be no interference,” said Alapan Bandyopadhyay, the home secretary of state.

In Delhi, a delegation consisting of senior BJP executives, including Kailash Vijayvargiya, Babul Supriyo and Arvind Menon among others, met with President Ram Nath Kovind and union house minister Amit Shah and briefed them on the event and claim of “illegality” in the state.

BJP leaders called for a CBI investigation and claimed that 105 BJP workers had been killed in the past three years in Bengal by “ruling party goons”.

A senior police officer from the district said preliminary report after Roy’s death suggests he died of suicide. A detailed chemical report is expected.

“The posthumous report suggests that the death was due to the effects of hanging, which was pre-death in nature. There were no other signs of external damage, “the officer said, adding that this denies claims raised by family and party leaders that Roy was killed and subsequently hanged.

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The old BJP executives, however, said they have no faith in the posthumous report as the state is trying to pass the killing as a suicide.

“We have no confidence in the report and the CID investigation that has been ordered. The chief minister should order a CBI investigation or a judicial investigation by a judge in the Supreme Court. Congress Trinamool, as before, is trying to hide a case. murder and remove it as a suicide, “said Rahul Sinha, the national secretary of the BJP.

Police, meanwhile, claimed Roy was suffering from depression after he had amassed a large debt since he was cheated on while trying to start a business.

“During the left-wing regime, Roy was the manager of a local cooperative bank. He had invested about $ 1.5 billion to start a business with two other partners. There was a complaint filed against Roy that he had removed the Rs 1.3 crown from the bank. He had also mortgaged his house to get a 25 lek loan and even collected money from locals to start a business, but he was suspected of cheating and the business was not never stopped, “said a police officer. He added that one person had been detained for questioning.

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Roy had won the assembly election from Hemtabad to Uttar Pradesh district with a CPI (M) ticket in 2016, but later joined BJP in 2019.

“He mentioned both persons in his suicide note. There were some financial transactions. The investigation has begun. “We have handed over the investigation to the state criminal investigation department (CID),” said Sumit Kumar, Uttar Dinajpur police supervisor.

His family members, including his wife Chadima Roy, said Roy had suffered from depression over the past few days. Police also claimed to have discovered that one of the persons mentioned in the suicide note had called Chadima’s cell phone at least three times on Sunday and spoken to the victim. Roy had lost his cell phone a few days ago. The last call was made around 9:30 p.m. Sunday.

Meanwhile, several BJP supporters were arrested when they allegedly damaged at least three buses and tried to forcefully close shops in various districts of northern Bengal. Protests were also organized in Kolkata. The party also claimed that some of their workers had been attacked by TMC.

TMC leaders react to turtle tweets State and national BJP leaders posted since Monday.

“The national president of BJP himself is also spreading false news. He is competing with his executives in the IT troll network. Jumping to conclusions without facts in despair to score political points. Rather, he would do well to stay close to the family of the deceased. Deathdo death is a tragedy. Sad, “tweeted TMC Rajya Sabha member Derek O’Brien in response to a tweet from BJP president JP Nadda.

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