New MIT-Denmark Collaboration to Expand Opportunities for Global Impact | MIT news

The MIT-Denmark program has received a grant of DKK 10.3 million (over $1.5 million) from the Novo Nordisk Foundation to support its expansion. MIT-Denmark offers MIT students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience at Danish companies, startups, and research institutions. The program aims to strengthen innovation in key areas of research and technology in Denmark and at MIT by increasing cooperation between the country and the Institute.
The program, which falls under the umbrella of MIT’s International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI), has flourished since it began in 2018 in collaboration with the Confederation of Danish Industry. The program has facilitated internships for approximately 100 MIT students, with students interning at more than 50 Danish companies, startups, and institutions. The program’s strong track record has made it increasingly popular with both students and companies.
Kathleen Thelen, professor of political science and faculty director of MIT-Denmark, explains that the program provides MIT students with valuable professional, educational and cultural experience. “It is a unique opportunity for them to work in Denmark, a country ranked as one of the most innovative in the world, and increase their international network in their chosen field,” she says.
The grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation will help MIT-Denmark increase its focus on internships at startups that are researching and developing solutions for sustainability, including sustainable agriculture and food systems, renewable energy and carbon capture technologies, such as and startups within quantum computing. , artificial intelligence and robotics. The program will do this with existing collaborators, such as the Confederation of Danish Industry, and new ones, such as the BioInnovation Institute Foundation (BII) and the Odense Robotics Cluster.
The grant will also allow the MIT-Denmark program to increase the number of internships offered and connect students with innovation across research and industry, benefiting both students and host organizations. Students can contribute to innovative research in Denmark, gain valuable practical experience in cutting-edge projects and initiatives, and expand their global network. They will also have the opportunity to experience the local culture, meet people from different backgrounds and build relationships. The host companies, in turn, will use and learn from the students’ knowledge of the latest technologies and strengthen their workforce during the duration of the internship.
MIT-Denmark aligns with the Novo Nordisk Foundation’s 2030 strategy, which aims to boost the life science ecosystem in Denmark. The program also fits with the foundation’s focus on educational initiatives within innovation to develop the next generation of students, researchers, entrepreneurs and translation leaders.
“We want to lead and strengthen the innovation ecosystem in Denmark. A key aspect of this is to bring the best talent to the region,” says Professor Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen, CEO of the Novo Nordisk Foundation. “MIT is one of the best universities in the world, and so with MISTI MIT-Denmark, we have access to a unique group of students and the opportunity to retain some of this talent after the internship. The program is established as a fertile ground on which industry and research institutions in Denmark can initiate and further build the collaboration with MIT. We look forward to the next phase in the program’s evolution.”
MIT-Denmark is committed to MIT’s mission to make an impact by addressing major global challenges in areas such as health care, climate and sustainability, and informatics. These areas often align with why students seek internship opportunities in Denmark, recognizing the country’s leadership in those sectors. Previous MIT-Denmark students have joined internships at healthcare companies, such as Novo Nordisk, working on a design for drug delivery devices; worked at clean energy startups like Seaborg Technologies, which tries to make nuclear power cheap and sustainable; and conducted quantum engineering research at the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen.
MIT-Denmark is an excellent example of how MISTI programs contribute to global impact by helping students learn how to address critical challenges in key areas. The program offers students unique opportunities to gain international experience, develop new skills and expand their knowledge while positively impacting the world. By building new connections through internships and research projects that address these important issues, MISTI programs like MIT-Denmark prepare students to be global citizens and leaders.
“We are very excited about the opportunity to continue growing the program and continue to make an impact abroad. These internships are much more than a summer work experience,” says MIT-Denmark Managing Director Madeline Smith. “This grant will open new doors to a valuable international network, a new culture and, perhaps, a love for Denmark that could lead to a future global career.”
MISTI is MIT’s center for global experiences, offering comprehensive international programs that bring MIT’s distinctive learning model to life in countries around the world. MISTI empowers students to build cultural connections, make an impact on the world, and gain valuable perspectives that inform their education, careers, and worldview.
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